Our Spirit Guides: Archangel Metatron

Aaron M. Weis
10 min readSep 26, 2023


Close your eyes for a moment. Try and envisage a walk of life so perfect and idiosyncratic with God’s will that it enables one to be transformed and elevated to the status of an archangel. It seems almost inconceivable; impossible to do. Be that as it may, on the most fundamental level, this is the story of the most high heavenly host as found in the case of Archangel Metatron. An understanding of this is crucial in coming to know who he was, and who he is as arguably one of the most significant celestial beings. This article provides an in-depth examination of Archangel Metatron, detailing everything one may need to know about this divine being and spirit guide. As such, this account begins, as it rightly should, with the narrative and story of the biblical character of Enoch.

It All Begins With Enoch

In the canonical texts of the Christian bible, Enoch is found only in the book of Genesis. The great-grandfather of Noah, Enoch was patriarch and prophet in a time before the great flood found in the Christian flood myth. More specifically, we find him in the verse Genesis 5: 21–24, which reads, “And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters; And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” There are several important points to observe in this passage. While Enoch is sparsely mentioned in the Christian texts, there are many lessons that could be learned from this character. First, one cannot help but overlook the average lifespan in the biblical epoch as found in the book of Genesis. Adam, Jared, Enoch’s father, and Noah all lived lives that stretched out for around nine hundred plus years. Enoch only lived three hundred sixty-five in his walk with God. On a similar note, it is worth noting that Enoch is he who overcame death. He did not die, the Bible says nothing to this effect. Rather, what we have is him ascending into the heavens; God simply took him up after this time. More importantly, the story of Enoch finds its merit in the way that it makes us question a number of highly significant spiritual questions, such as what does it mean to walk with God; something that seems more relevant today than it did during the time that the book was written. In the case of Enoch, it can be seen that he lived up to his name which means dedicated. Furthermore, in the case of Enoch, the terminology ‘walked with’ means that he had fellowship and obedience towards the Lord which results in divine favor, which will be further touched on later on. Now, if this article is about Archangel Metatron, then why all this insistence on Enoch’s character? Let’s look further.

Metatron in the Sacred Texts

So, what exactly happens to Enoch’s character after his ascent into the heavens? Well, it sort of depends on which religion, or sacred text one refers to. It is the same with the question of asking who Archangel Metatron is. One would get a different answer depending on who they ask. As far as the Christian bible is concerned, Enoch’s character basically falls off the map from here, not to be mentioned again. Perhaps it was felt that the story of the flood and the creation myth was of more importance. True as it may be, many religions and sacred texts go on to make the assumption that Enoch transforms into the heavenly host Archangel Metatron. For instance, we find this directly stated by the archangel in Enoch 3:4, in the dialectical exchange between him and the prophet Rabbi Ishmael, as found in the verses, “ I (Ishmael) asked Metatron and said to him: ‘Why art thou called by the name of thy Creator, by seventy names? Thou art greater than all the princes, higher than all the angels, beloved More than all the servants…He answered and said to me: ‘Because I am Enoch, the son of Jared.’

The book of Enoch is an ancient Hebrew sacred text, that along with thirteen other books, have been lost to Judaism and Christianity alike. It is primarily accredited to being written by Enoch as the title of the gospel would suggest. This apocalyptic work accounts for such material as demonology, angelology, a description on why various angels, such as the watchers, have fallen, as well as illustrating why the great flood was morally necessary. Of the three books included in the book of Enoch, Book 3 is highly proliferated with content surrounding the Archangel Metatron. On a rudimentary level, the third book of Enoch is presented as a dialectical exchange between the Rabbi Ishmael and this majestic archangel. The implications that are inherently found within its contents leave the reader with some hefty inquiries. Just as the previous passages made us question as to what a walk with God would look like, these scriptures leave the reader wondering to themselves whether or not it is a possibility to ascend to the status of an angel of such a high status in the afterlife.

Metatron is also referenced in other sacred texts the world over. For instance, he is also found in the Zohar, which is the sacred book of the mystical branch of Judaism know as Kabbalah. Here, he is found in Zohar 49, Ki Tetze:28:138, which states, “Metatron, blessed are you and blessed are your children, Namely, those derived from Metatron, who have not yet merited to be children to male and female of Atzilut, who are bound and tie by the Teflon under your Master’s authority. For that reason, you are a servant to your master, you are a king over all the ministers of the people, king over all the angels, a king of whom all demons and their legions are afraid. Who brought that about?…It is so that Metatron is Shadai when the Holy One, blessed be he, descends to Briyah to rule over the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, good being Metatron and evil Samuel, who is a devil, the king of demons, Metatron is an angel, the king of angels, but from the aspect of the tree of life the name Shadai is Yes of Atzilut… Archangel Metatron is also referenced in Zohar 43, Balak 6:86 in the story of the child, in the passage, “Enoch, who is Metatron, the one that is the head of the yeshivah of the firmament, said that, ‘and he brought them wine,’ meaning that he blended the wine with water…” Metatron can also be found in several instances throughout the Talmud.

What We Know About Archangel Metatron

As is noted in one of the earlier passages, Metatron is know by over seventy names, similar to he that is on most high. These include, but are not limited to the likes of Metatron, The Prince of Presence, The Angel of Life, The Angel of Death (the belief being that he is the angel which carries souls over to the afterlife, the knower of secrets, and the heavenly scribe. Of these, perhaps the most important worth mentioning is the way that the Lord refers to him as Youth. From the account of Enoch’s transformation, we observe the way that Archangel Metatron was one of only two archangels that lived a life as a human. The other instance is that of Elijah, who similar to Enoch, was taken by God in a whirlwind. It is believed that Elijah became the Archangel Sandolphon, the very same that is presumed to be Archangel Metatron’s celestial brother; twins even. Another very important characteristic of Metatron is that of the heavenly scribe, which cannot be emphasized enough. Here, the ancient texts and scriptures have pointed to how he is tasked with looking over the book of life, which is alternatively known as the akashic records. The akashic records being an account of all earthly sin, as well as a document of everything that has ever happened in the universe. What is particularly interesting about this fact is that the Archangel Metatron has been illustrated as sitting in God’s presence. This is fascinating because it is usually the case that the heavenly hosts are standing in God’s presence out of reverence towards him. Here, an exception is made in the case of Metatron because he is constantly writing as God’s scribe. Another important attribute worth mentioning is how these texts show Metatron as guarding the Tree of Life. In the depictions that we have of Metatron, it is irrevocably the case that he is one of the most prominent angels in heaven. This is found in the numerous references to how he is highest among all the princes, and king of all the angels. For this reason, there have been those who have confused him with the Archangel Michael, or thought that the two were one and the same entity.

Other Interesting Facts About Metatron

An in-depth discussion on this majestic angel is not complete with mention of Metatron’s cube. This sacred shape is one of the most complex in sacred geometry, containing with it every shape in the multiverse as God created it; those same shapes being the foundation of all physical matter. What we find is that this particular pattern as it is found in the cosmos is that it contains every last one of the Platonic solids as proposed by Plato. Plato believed that these shapes bridged the spiritual and material worlds together. Looking at Metatron’s cube, an endless number of shapes can be found. The figure itself contains thirteen equally sized circles, in addition to lines that extend out of the center of each of the circles out to the other twelve circles. In total, there are seventy-eight lines that extend out of the two-dimensional shape. Some other figures that appear within the shape are that of the David’s star, the figure of the Merkabah, all of the shapes for the elements of the earth, and the tree of life just to name a few. But the shape has many other meaning asides from the shapes that can be found in its elegant design. It is thought that the pattern is a symbol of healing, protection, and creativity. For this reason, the pattern has been used to ward off negative spirits in some cultures. It is also used in meditation as a tool and a focal point to bring about positive manifestations, peace, balance, and meaning in one’s life. At the same time it is a sacred shape that reminds us of our connection with the divine, with nature, and ultimately the interconnectedness between all things. Similarly, Metatron is sometimes associated with what is commonly referred to as Merkabah mysticism. Merkabah means God’s chariot, or alternatively light, body, and spirit. According to this tradition, it is believed that the Merkabah is a heavenly body used to ascend into the heavens. It’s presence can be found in the Old Testament in the case of the book of Ezekiel, where supernatural beings descended from out of the heavens in great wheeled chariots, and presented Ezekiel with a new heart, spirit, and mind. Material pertaining to Merkabah mysticism is also heavily saturated throughout the third book of Enoch in which all the significant heavenly hosts ask Metatron why they are wasting Merkabah on a human as found in Ishmael. Much of the conversation of the third book of Enoch has to do with this issue of Merkabah. There have also been accounts of Metatron’s angelic appearance, with him being as large as an entire planet, with more than seventy wings, and numerous eyes covering his being. Additionally, another role is granted to this mighty archangel in the thirtieth chapter of Enoch where he is given the title of the Governor of the World, granting him power to govern over the nations, kingdoms and rulers on earth. Another characteristic worth mentioning is the way that Metatron is a patron of children, with its associations being found in the Zohar’s story of the child, and the way that it is believed that Archangel Metatron guided the Hebrew children through the wilderness towards the promised land in this religious text as well. Archangel Metatron is also linked with the colors pink, green, blue, as well as brilliant flashes of light.

These are just some of the more interesting facts about the fascinating spirit guide that is Archangel Metatron. What are your thoughts on this intriguing spiritual character or on some of the inquires that his stories bring about? Like and subscribe, and make sure to leave your comments.

Written by Aaron M. Weis



Aaron M. Weis
Aaron M. Weis

Written by Aaron M. Weis

Aaron M. Weis is an online journalist, web content writer, and avid blogger who specializes in spirituality, science, and technology.

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