Homecoming Chapter 9 (Serialized Novel)

Aaron M. Weis
18 min readSep 27, 2023


Chapter 9

It is written in the sacred texts that the Lord presented himself amongst the Hebrews in the form of a thick cloud of fire, brimstone, and smoke. That it was through this furnace of elemental pillars that he led them throughout the wilderness day and night. How the heavens became as fire as the almighty concealed himself and brought forth the Israelites into the promised land. And that through this astronomical anomaly that they should understand that they were in the presence of a higher power. This being a signet unto them of the miracles that had been performed in Egypt, of faith, and to trust in the unfolding of the divine plan; our covenant between us and the divine.

When the visitors arrived, it was much to this likeness. All at once, it was as if the hand of God had stretched back all of the skies up above and it was as if it was no longer its usual shades of light blue. It was as if all the heavens were experiencing an orangish red aurora borealis as they became a raging inferno. And at the same time, the sun turned a great shade of bloodred blotted out by the smoke and the fumes that could be found within the fiery storm. This amber landscape swallowed up all of the earth, so even the night became as day, though the vapors found within created a thick veil that made it difficult to see.

The war that Bara Two had spoken of, or rather commanded into being descended upon the people of earth much faster. For within the selfsame hour as the being’s interrogation with the President it had commenced, as if it started by his very talking about it, as if he spoke it into being. And it transpired and manifested itself in ways that were of an almost ineffable nature, that the people of earth could hardly ever have expected, described, or imagined.

These celestial beings made their appearance on earth in waves which was perhaps the only indication that there was more than one species of these differing lifeforms. And the crimson sky concealed their actions as if they controlled it for some reason. When some of them came, however, it was as if they came in great clashing zaps of lightening and electricity. It was only through these flashes that one could see through the fumes and the contents therewithin.

The sight was unbelievable, for it most certainly defied every law of physics, but all through the heavens one could observe great pyramidal structures of what looked like an obsidian material suspended in the air all around. They were sleek and black in their composition and had great inscriptions carved throughout them. At each one of their points, it was designed so that they were cased in gold plating. From each of these points, issued forth great brilliant beams of blueish white lights that shot out into the heavens up above. These made up the first of the alien aircrafts that entered into our airspace all around the globe.

The way that they dispersed themselves around the world was unlike anything that we could have ever anticipated or predicted. We have always thought and portrayed them as arriving at the most populated cities and locations of significance. The capitals of the world over and the likes. Places like Washington D.C, Moscow, Dubai, London and so on. However, this was not the case. If their placement and location in the skies were analyzed correctly it would have shown a great geometrical figure that was likened to the patchwork of a net, or a network of some pattern. As if they were creating for a grid in our airspace up above, and it was so.

What we did not know, nor could we possibly understand, was that these structures had always been there. They had been hidden away in the higher realms and dimensions of reality, up and above the fifth dimension in which they resided. These pyramidal edifices acted as gateways from their world into our own, and they had been concealed in this way for eons. Nor could we possibly know that their purpose, and the patterns that they constructed effected our electromagnetic field. Operating on anti-gravity, they also acted to bring the other waves of spacecrafts that were to come to our world from far off places in our multiverse.

The only evidence of this was found in the fact that in a tremendously violent earthquake did the great pyramids the world over unearth themselves and joined these structures in the skies. Not only that, but it spoke of these beings’ antiquity, their involvement with our people, and confirmed everything that was said by Bara Two on the matter.

Then came the second round of these beings and the spacecrafts that they came in. They did not come in the lightning and thundering of the heavens as the ones before them. These descended all throughout the skies in great streaks of aquamarine. To the observer, it seemed like the sky was being unzipped with each one. Or, like great funnels had been inserted in the plumes of smokes; funnels that had a kaleidoscope like effect to them in the ways that the hues of bright blues and white revolved, faded, crashed, and collided with one another in stark juxtaposition to the backdrop of the red and orange of the sky.

And they did so in a linear fashion that seemed counterintuitive and that bisected the concentric pattern of the pyramidal structures that had come before them. It elicited for the feeling that they were trying to create for a kind of counter measure to the placement of what had come before them. That, or as if some kind of divine matrix was either being created or cancelled out. Another grid that would protect what was being done to our electromagnetic field.

It was only at the end of these great blue streaks that one could faintly make out another kind of alien spacecraft, only if very briefly. These were sleek and triangular in their composition. However, when viewed from the front they had a more rounded appearance, for they were stacked with layers at the back ends of them, and there was a great rounded hull at their bottom. This was also due to the way that the front end of them were pointed, with their rear ends being much wider. Grey in their color and looking to be made of some other kind of precious stone, the back ends of them housed three circular engines that were capable of warp drive travel and whose fires burned blue. All around them these spacecrafts came equipped with a wide array of magnificent windows, in addition to foreign tools, technologies, gadgets, and weaponry. In certain respects, they closely resembled the likes of the Imperial Destroyers from the Star Wars franchise.

What the people did not know about these specific spacecrafts was perhaps their greatest characteristics. For while they were tremendous in their size, spanning out across several football fields, casting great shadows upon the earth, they were also capable of changing their size at will on very grand scales. So much so that they could be as colossal as when they appeared to shrink down to the size of a pinky. That, and the way that they could phase in and out of the different realms and dimensions of reality to the extent that they could hide themselves in plain sight outside the perceivable range of our electromagnetic spectrum.

And when they arrived in our airspace, the frequency and intensity of the thundering and the lightning did increase all the more. It was as if the clouds of fire and smoke were a great wall that contained within it a great and violent electric storm. At the same time, it also gave the unnerving feeling that these entities were capable of controlling the skies and all manner of the weather, which was truly a testimony to their technological superiority, for it was far exceeding to any means of weather manipulation that we possessed. Not only that, but the way that it did occur gave the impression that it was the pyramidal structures that controlled this happening, and that they were upset with, or threatened by the presence of the triangular vehicles that had appeared.

The bright and luminous flashes of the lightening lit up the night and made it possible that one could make out what was taking place within the thick plumes. To the discerning eye, with each tremendous flash, these most recent alien vessels had taken to intersecting the pyramidal structures that lingered and hovered overhead.

Meanwhile, while this was all taking place, all around the world, the earth had become a burning cratered tarmac. For out of this amber conflagration airplanes and all manner of our aircrafts did come crashing down from beyond the tawny veil. So that the skies did rain metal on the landscape that was becoming more like a barren wasteland or desert. A blazing wreckage that sporadically littered our planet with chunks of burning metal. It was to the extent that it was as if a great fiery arial tornado had taken to throwing them in every which direction. Even worse was the case for the fowl of the earth that dropped out of the sky. In the most macabre manner, their scorched remains scattered and fell to the ground.

Through the thick of the storm, the more recent of these alien vessels converged on all sides of the gigantic pyramidal structures and swarmed around them likes a virus taking to a host cell, or a cancerous cell to a healthy one. As they did so, the tips of their aircrafts began to glow a fiery blue, and great beams of light issued forth from them in their direction. However, the effect was to no avail. It was as if their targets were shielded and protected by some invisible wall which caused for violent booming explosions to erupt all throughout the airways as the beams of light ricocheted off them.

However, it did seem that there were some areas that there had been some points of impact, and the skies rained down the evidence of it. All around, the rocky, obsidian material and hailstone fell from up above in the parts where these arial monuments had ostensibly been hit. The only other conclusion that could be made through the smoky inferno was that they were countering the attack by hurling the rocks back at their adversaries.

As the triangular vehicles circled around their ubiquitous enemies, there came a great sound as if the sounding of a horn or trumpet that could be heard around all the corners of the globe. This clarion call announced what would come next in the progression of celestial objects that would descend from out of the heavens upon our planet. It issued forth with a low droning hum.

What came next was the greatest marvel yet. The third wave of these foreign flying objects began as little white orbs. In the regions of the earth where it was night one would have mistaken them for shooting stars or some kind of distant satellite. At least when they were very far off. To the naked eye, the only thing that differentiated them from one was the way that they could move in ways that no human aircraft or astrological object could. For they could move backward, forward, and in all directions, being able to easily change the direction no matter the trajectory and speed that they were flying. Not only that, but they could stop on a dime while doing so. It was in this way, that when they came to a complete stop, that they so disguised themselves amongst the stars. These crafts came riding through our ecosphere into our atmosphere as if they were riding in on the chariots of the gods.

At the times that they entered into our atmosphere they became completely different beasts altogether. They were huge in their contrivance, and they were great flying spheres. It was truly a remarkable sight for it seemed that they were assembled of two inverted triangles making for one star of David that rotated in opposite directions as one another, and so rapidly that it created for the circle. At the same time, it was as if there was a giant wheel that rotated within yet another, each one onto themselves rotating around the other. There were also some kind of circular rivets all throughout the wheels that it did look like the contained eyes all around, as if the vehicle was observing everything that was taking place. The sphere was of the same size as the pyramidal structures, and they swiveled quickly throughout the skies, and it seemed that they were making passes around them. Consciousness was the greatest weapon that they had on board, for they carried with them and possessed the ability to manifest, manipulate, and influence the physical world by sheer thought alone.

It was at the time that these white spheres entered into our orbit that the pyramidal structures began to issue from each of their corners what looked like thick bands of fire, protruding out into every which direction. And these bands did stretch out and network into the airways, and connected themselves to the other pyramidal structures, making a band of fire. So much so that it appeared that it was a defensive response to the flying spacecrafts that had just arrived. And it transpired that those objects that were in the air that passed through the bands went crashing to the ground, save for the white spheres, that seemed to be able to easily maneuver through them, as if they were not there.

The fourth wave was one that was a startling spectacle to behold, for with these, it did seem that great wormholes and portals opened up throughout all the skies with them appearing from on the other side. Through these they passed through and entered into our atmosphere with the portal closing behind them. But that was not all. There was also some of these that came to us from below. Ascending into our airspace from out of the depths of the sea, with no telling how long they had been waiting there to make their presence known. These flying objects that were alien in their origin were those that were sleek, silver, and parabolic in their design.

Immediately the final wave of spacecrafts took to chasing the triangular shaped ones that came before them so that an alien dogfight did commence. It was a cat and mouse chase between these two vehicles, with each taking to pursue the other. Back and for the they went like a tennis rally, so that one would chasse the other, and vice versa.

And so, it became transparent to the people of earth that there was opposition and sides in the skies above them, these other worldly beings taking to fighting amongst themselves. The vehicles that consisted of the spheres and the triangular shaped ones stood up against and warred with the pyramidal structures and parabolic ones that filled the heavens.

And it seemed that there were two separate species fighting over our world up above, but this was not the case. There were four separate types of alien life in the heavens that day, each one manning one of these differing aircrafts. Almost all of them had been displayed during the Presidential address concerning cosmic disclosure. The Zeta Recticuli operated the pyramidal structures with the Reptilians arming the great Parabolic vehicles. Together these two races formed an alliance. Conversely, the Arcturian and the Pleiadian flew the triangular and spherical shaped one, their races creating for the Galactic Federation.

And so, it became clear that the objective of those vehicles that were parabolic in nature was to destroy those that were triangular shaped and to prevent them from concentrating their attention on the pyramidal structures. There were some that attacked the white spheres as well. This manifested itself in the form that the parabolic spacecrafts shot out bright beams of red light from their tips at their adversaries, with those there were triangular countering with blue beams in their defense. That did not account for how these spacecrafts seemed to be protected by some invisible cloak that shielded them from the threat around them. There were still those that got hit by the beams of light, and that dematerialized out of thin air. And so, it seemed that they were fighting with a kind of special spectral ray gun or photon torpedoes that our planet did not know of or possess.

This concluded the arrival of the extraterrestrial arrival on our planet. For the people of earth, it was birds to the sky an hour it had all began. There were numerous reasons for the delay. For starters, there was the initial shock of what was taking place. That and they had to account for the risk for sending them into the battle when considering the reports of the airplanes falling out of the sky; a risk and measure that ultimately was felt like it was well worth it. And at the same time, it was to analyze whether we could predict any pattern of attack or point of weakness amongst them. A search for our best point of counterattack. Eventually it would come to pass that all the air forces from nations all over the mobilized and joined this horrendous and violent scrimmage taking place above.

There were some that immediately crashed down as they entered into the fiery storm. It was about this time that we became aware that in the sides that had been drawn up above, that there were those spacecrafts that were benevolent and looked out for us, and others that were hostile, and a menacing threat of force against us. The people of earth witnessed this as the aircrafts that did make it through the burning pillars engaged with the various objects found therewithin. Here, there was a moment of confusion for them, as they were unsure which of the spacecrafts to target first in the midst of all the chaos. Then it became obvious to them as the parabolic objects shot out their beams of red light at them, causing them to evaporate into oblivion to the terrified fly on the wall observer down below. Several passes through the smoke, it seemed that the aircrafts would all be puffed out of existence before the white spheres set to meeting up where the aircrafts had been dispersed. It was at this point in time that it was as if the hand of god suspended all of our aircrafts out of thin air, bringing them to the ground, even though they were still in their various flight patterns. With this force taking hold of them, try as they might they could not get off the ground.

Another part of our counterattack was to launch a copious number of missiles at the larger alien vehicles in the sky. At this time, the people had to fall back for reinforcements because it was all but apparent that our first attempt had been an utter failure. While our aircrafts landed unwillingly, the missiles that were sent hit the invisible wall with explosions erupting all throughout the skies.

In all of this, there was a curious feature to this alien war that could be noted. Not only were there sides to this battle, but it was being conducted in such a matter that it was as if the fight was there’s and there’s alone. For the most part, it was as if we were of no concern of theirs. Their retaliation was only in defense to our own attack. That, and they didn’t have to keep our aircrafts from harm’s way. This was their fight, but it was being conducted on our world.

And this was most certainly the case. For what the people of the earth did not know was that the alien threat fed off of consciousness and fear. So much so that it was one of the main forces that powered their technologies. It was also the reason that they were causing disturbances in our electromagnetic fields because it kept us kept the world in a much denser vibrational frequency; one based off of fear. It was constructed to prevent us in obtaining and achieving the higher dimensions as a collective consciousness.

And it was to this end that their fight was twofold. There was the fact that they wanted to create for their world to come as Eba had reported. At the same time, instigation was the integral part to their dark agenda. They were hoping to push us to the point that through our fear in what was taking place up above, that we would either turn on ourselves, and use nuclear forces, or aim up at them in the war against aliens that we so wanted in the name of Christ. In all actuality they were counting on our destructive nature.

As for the benevolent forces that opposed them, their intentions were just the opposite. They too understood the power of consciousness and worked with it in their technologies. But they dealt in frequencies of love, joy, bliss, and higher frequencies. These had been observing us for years, helping out to heal the planet, to raise consciousness, and to make sure that we didn’t destroy ourselves, or anything else as we rose in consciousness. They had avoided us for years believing that every species had to evolve in consciousness and save themselves on their own time. Nevertheless, they had seen species be destroyed by forces that they couldn’t defend themselves against, and so they had come out of divine love to protect us from such a hostile threat.

What was most fascinating about these benevolent white spheres was the way that they formed themselves amongst their counterparts in the sky. They were separated in this way for they flew together in groups or flocks, that seemed to work together with one mind as if in unison. In doing so, they would create for collective lines, V-shapes, circles, and all manner of geometrical figures, all with fluid transitions as they moved throughout the sky. With great downward spirals they encircled the pyramidal structures from up above.

Now the reason for this was one that also had to do with consciousness. While their vehicles were seemingly powered by it, that their technologies could manifest into the material world their thoughts, it also operated so that this effect was intensified when larger groups focused their attention on the same goal or means to an end.

Once our airplanes and other aircrafts had been set safely on the ground below them, it was in these downward spirals that the spherical vehicles acting in a collective hivemind like mentality took to crashing into the imaginary wall, one after the other. With each one sending a booming soundwave throughout the air that sent quivers and quakes throughout all the ground where the wall was located. Even so, the invisible barrier showed no signs of breaking down. Still, the triangular shaped spacecrafts met up with them at these points, awaiting a space in time that they could break through these defensives. Following close behind them was that of the arched parabolic ships, shooting their red beams of light at them all the while.

What the people of earth did not realize was that with all the alien aircrafts in the sky, they were essentially watching a chess match of the mind. For the creatures in the vessels up above did not man any apparatus of any kind, but rather, the group of them acting together thought these things into existence. So that it was that with their thoughts they created for the great unperceivable wall and all the other miracles and wonders that the world had witnessed. Each though sent out a beam of light, maneuvered their ships, created for the disturbances in the sky, and so on. In this way, those beings that occupied the pyramidal structures were focusing their energies on keeping this force erect, while their opposition gave their attention to breaking it down.

The truth of the matter was that they were attempting to destroy a bridge. For what we were witnessing in the mayhem was that they were merging their own altered reality with our own. They were using their edifices to have the vibrational frequency of their own realm and dimension to replace that of our own. This barren wasteland that the earth had become was a glimpse into their world, and what ours would become given Eba Two’s nuclear scenario. It was an alternate reality that existed in the higher timelines of space and time at a point much father and distant in the future. A version of what the future would become in the case that we did not prevail against them. Not only that, but for the time being, it was as if these three intersecting realities had become as one, for the benevolent forces acted in likewise fashion from their own time and place in this vast multiverse.

Had Stephanie been present, she could have given an entire in-depth lecture into how the resulting events could, theoretically, lead to a situation known as an incursion. This, of courses, was the hypothetical situations in which, when differing worlds, realities, or universes mix with and blend in with one another, how it can potentially cause for destabilization and the entire known reality to fall apart. The type of thing that could be seen in the portrayal of her favorite superhero movie, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. In attempting to destroy this bridge, these beings had to be extremely cautious in creating for such an incursion.

Now it came into being that the spherical chariots weaved in and out of the fiery chains and circled back around to congregate back for a second pass at the pyramidal structures of the Zeta Recticuli. This time, the triangular ships belonging to the Arcturian joined them in this pass around. They came in on the pyramidal structures in a beeline formation and directed their fire at its force field before the spherical vehicles could get the chance to crash into it once more. It was truly a remarkable sight to behold, because in this, their second pass at the Zeta Recticuli, the spherical crafts lit up a pure and beautiful golden color, as if they were drawing in energy, and shot out a similar golden beam of light before, or at the point of their impact. Prior to this, there was no telling which side had the upper hand in the conflict over our skies, but it did seem that they were making some headway.

In the meantime, the President and all of Operation Echo Tango One in their interrogation of Eba Two had been completely oblivious to what was taking place. All over the world, radios, televisions, and all other forms of influential media broadcasted through static this alien war of the worlds, and still they had the slightest idea of the events that had unfolded outside the Area 51 barracks and chamber during their hour-long conversation. They were not cued into the fact until blaring loud alarms rang out through its hallways, signaling that something was wrong, the walls turning a bright red as the old fashion spinning alarms spun in place.



Aaron M. Weis
Aaron M. Weis

Written by Aaron M. Weis

Aaron M. Weis is an online journalist, web content writer, and avid blogger who specializes in spirituality, science, and technology.

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