Homecoming Chapter 8 (Serialized Novel)
Chapter 8
In a blinding flash of light, Stephane and the others were transported through the portal on location at Area 51. Once through the other side of this veil, they found themselves in another kind of underground bunker at this location. It was similar in its composition in that it was comprised of a great many tunnels branching out in every which direction and was teaming full of a great many military personnel. It too had its walls covered in the thick black rocky obsidian material on all sides.
It did differ from the previous one in that the technologies that it housed seemed alien in origin. Throughout the hanger, there were a great many of what looked like extraterrestrial aircrafts. Some of these flying objects were sleek, silver, and parabolic in their design, the length of them taking up a considerable amount of the militarized cave that they found themselves in. There were others still that reminded Stephanie of the lunar lander that was sent to the moon, and others still that were reminiscent of our stealth bombers and most advanced aircrafts to date, although they were clearly much more sophisticated than our own, and they gave the appearance that we had reversed engineered them to create for our own. Far off, to the right end of the hanger was one such aircraft, parabolic in its composition, that looked like it had just recently crashed, this being indicated by parts of its wings being broken off, by dark black scuff marks throughout it, and other such sighs.
As at the previous location the circular archway of a portal that they had just passed through stood erected in the center of the room. The team waited by the edifice until everyone in the group arrived on site with their corresponding security detail. Craig followed closely behind Stephanie, followed closely afterwards by Clint, Arturo, David, with Robert being the last one to join them. Once they had all passed through, all of their attention hung onto the President, awaiting instructions as to what they were to do next.
“First and foremost, I want to welcome you all to Area 51, one of the most secured military bases in America. Again, consider yourself to be one of the few that will ever get such a rare opportunity. It is at the same time that I should like to remind you all that the materials housed at Area 51 are some of the most classified in all of the nation. Once our little operation has come to its conclusion, I will need each of you to carry out your lives as if everything that happened since your time at arriving at the Pentagon moving forward never happened. It is for this reason that I am going to need each of you to swear and oath to your country in order to protect the assets and the information that you come across,” the President informed them, pulling a thick brown leather-bound King James Bible out of his jacket pocket. “I want you all to repeat after me using your own name, I, Joseph Biden, do solemnly swear that in order to protect the best interests of the people of the United States of America, that I will not discuss or disclose anything revealed during Operation Echo Tango One for all the days of my life. I, Joseph Biden, am also aware that if I do so, that it should be treated as an act of treason and that the consequences could include being subjected to the death penalty, so help me God,” the President said with his left hand holding the good book, and his right arm raised as part of his oath.
The walls of the underground bunker reverberated as the rest of his team repeated the boat back to him verbatim, inserting each of their respective names where he had said his own name. There were some that looked around at each other with a sort of confused indignation that they were being subjected to the death penalty as part of this operation.
“Now that we have gotten that out of the way, I am going to need you all to follow me as we make our way to the upper sections of the base where we have the subject in a confinement chamber. It is here that we will conduct our interrogation, and where we can begin devising a defensive if the situation should call for it,” the President continued with his usual amount of enthusiasm, which was starting to make Stephanie feel as if nothing fazed the man. At the same time, she was still in shock that she had just taken a secret oath that she would remain silent about the most bizarre experience of her life, and that if she didn’t, she would be silenced herself.
The President wasted no time as he stepped off the platform and made his way to the far side of the underground militarized cave that they found themselves in, his security following suit. He led the group down one of the many tunnels and its winding passages as they ascended to the upper section of the barracks. It came as to no surprise, at least to Stephanie, that they found themselves before yet another cargo elevator.
At the cargo elevator, the President once again entered in the necessary security requirements to open the door before them. This time a scan of his thumbprint alone sufficed. There was a solemn silence that lingered throughout the metallic cage as the members of Operation Echo Tango One filled its contents, stuffed packed like a can of sardines. Erich coughed in a way that one does when they are uncomfortable as the doors to the elevator slid shut, and the other individuals of the group all looked his way in the manner that people do when they question whether or not someone is serious about something. He gave a nervous shrug as the elevator rose up to the floor level of Area 51. It seemed a much lengthier elevator ride than the one that they had previously taken, and it seemed that they were passing through some kind of cavern or rock formation as they went. The President turned yet again to indicate that the door was yet again going to slide open on the opposite side of the elevator, which everyone followed his lead.
The cargo elevator came to a rattling halt as they reached their destination on the ground level. The President walked outside of it as if in synchronicity with its door sliding open. Every step that he did was in this enthusiastic manner and denoted a sense of how there was not a moment to waste. As if they were in the eleventh hour, which, little did they know, they were.
The elevator led them to a hallway that was short and narrow and that had a row of white locked doors on either side of them. It’s ceiling housed outdated and stained fluorescent lights that eerily flicked in and out., The effect of them was that the room was darker than lit, with the flickering only acting to momentarily light up the hallway, which was hard on the eyes, and caused them to strain. Stephanie was given the impression of being led down a hallway that one would expect in a prison or mental asylum.
For ten minutes they passed through many hallways and corridors of this similitude. The doorways that they passed along the way acted as portals into other worlds, for they offered rectangular windows for them to peer inside and see the activities being conducted on the military base. In some, sanctified laboratories could be made out, with doctors in white lab coats conducting their experiments. While in other they could make out persons in hazmat suits dealing with hazardous materials. More still warehoused men conducting tests and research on alien tools, technologies, gadgets, and weapons. Others seemed to contain chambers that prisoners were being interrogated in. And so on, that it seemed that each room was dedicated to its own specific cause and purpose. They carried on in this fashion until they came unto a section of the building that was heavily guarded by military personnel to whom seemed to be guarding two sets of doors at the end of a particular hallway. IT was coated and lined with the rocky substance that they had been running into in more frequent intervals.
“Right this way,” the President instructed them as they drew closer to the doorways, and he led them into the room nearest them, his security detail following closely at his heel. The group wasted no time entering into the room after him. Once inside, two of the Marines took their position at either side of the doorway. For the most part, there was nothing particularly special about the room that they found themselves in. It reminded Stephanie of days of antiquity for it contained with it outdated computers and communication devices that all buzzed, hummed, and beeped at regular intervals. The other thing that did stand out was that this room too was comprised of the obsidian material that they had been encountering in their expedition with the President. In addition to that, one of the walls seemed to be made of a looking glass that allowed one to look into the room on the other side, which was also made up of this black substance. Really, it seemed the type of room that people in places of authority used to conduct interrogations.
In the room on the opposite side of the looking glass there was utter darkness. So much so that it was like looking into the depths of the void. Nevertheless, it gave the ubiquitous impressions of having been made into a kind of chamber. Not only that, but it seemed that the room did contain life for the looking glass would frequently become fogged as if being placated by the breath of someone, or something. Then all of a sudden something thudded against the looking glass. Whatever had smacked into it had hit it hard. It happened so fast that it caught everyone in the room off guard and caused others to jump in place. The thing that hit the window retreated into the corner, where its breath could barely be seen inhaling and exhaling in and out. For the most part, the outlines of its shadows were the only thing that could be made out of its appearance.
They watched as the creature stepped into the middle of the room, and Stephanie gave out a little gasp. The being that they were observing was short in length and was stripped naked. In its appearance it had a large bulbous head, that almost reminded Stephanie of a light bulb, with large wide all black eyes. It had tight grey leathery skin that clung to its body, and its mouth housed razor-sharp teeth that looked as if they belonged to a piranha. There was also a quality to it that made it look almost reptilian in its overall appearance, as if its skin was made of scales and that it did have claws and talons for hand. At the same time, it did possess some humanoid characteristics to it in that it had swinging arms and legs that made it bipedal in its movements.
“You’ve got it locked up,” Stephanie asked of the President, looking to the lifeform in the room and then back at him several time.
“And what would you have us do? It’s hostile. What do we do with our prisoners,” the President answered, positing his own inquiry to her own. “Eba Two. Eba Two. It’s me, Joseph Biden. I’ve got a few people here with me that would love to talk with you as we’ve discussed,” the President continued, looking away from Stephanie and directing his attention to the being in the other room.
“Who is it that wishes to speak with Malduk,” hissed the being on the other side of the window.
“Malduk is the name that he refers to himself as,” the President informed the group in a manner as if it needed explanation, turning to face Stephanie as he did so.
“Then why don’t you just use that one,” Stephanie asked, confused that they would not go by the name that the being insisted upon.
“For purposes related to documentation and reports. That and Malduk is the name of a Babylonian Sun God, and we don’t much like that implication,” the President answered in a matter of factually sort of way as if it ended the discussion.
“And what of Eba? What does Eba mean,” Stephanie probed further, intrigued by their reasoning for naming the lifeform in the other room.
“It means life, and we found that to be more fitting due to the fact that it is another sentient lifeform,” he answered promptly as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Is it you that they wish to have speak with me,” Stephanie heard a diabolic hissing deep within the operations of her mind, a demented and hellish voice that scared her, one that was not of her own introverted conscious thoughts. She wondered if the others in the room had heard the voice that she had.
“Ah, I see that you have all gotten a taste of how Eba here likes to communicate with us. Don’t let it get to you. Eba, Stephanie here would very much like to carry out the conversation t hat we were having about this imminent war as it relates to all of space and time that you were talking about earlier. She is one of our leading experts in both those fields and we think you would quite enjoy the conversation with someone that understands these topics as well as you do. But we would all like to speak with you Eba. We are all friendlies here, as I keep trying to inform you of,” the President told the creature confined in the room opposite them.
“Do all the people of your planet that consider themselves friends go fighting with one another,” Eba countered.
“Is that why your species is threatening us with the precept of this imminent war? And if so, why the warning? You can’t tell me from what I know about your Galactic Federation that your kind don’t go warning against each other as well. Can you tell Stephanie here, what you meant by the fact that the war has already happened? In what way is this,” the President pressed the E.T. firmly.
“We go a waring whenever a species becomes an imminent threat. Your species is one such threat with its stockpile of destructive weapons. Your lot is a destructive one, and a number of other life forms in the universe have put you into quarantine for this reason. Since the dawn of the discovery of your nuclear weapons we have been watching you for this reason,” Eba Two answered in his unearthly tone of voice.
“Malduk is it,” Stephanie started, trying to meet the being on its level. “Malduk, my name is Stephanie and I teach the people of earth about the topics of space and time. I think that we’ve all gotten a little off topic. Do you think that we can have that conversation about time that Mr. Biden here was talking about? I would absolutely love to do so if you wouldn’t mind,” Stephanie said to Eba Two, summoning up the courage to speak to the ostensibly maleficent being.
“Fragile human, what do you know about time? How can a multidimensional being relay to a three dimensional being their perception of time? It would be to use terminology that the three-dimensional lifeform does not understand. How can you that is incapable of interdimensional travel begin to transcend all of life and space as we can? Time is not a construct or theory as it is on your planet. There is no theorem or equation that can ever incapsulate all that it is, and that it is not. No, there is no such thing as time, but only in the mind. It is eternal and formless, and thus it takes on all forms. At the same time, it is like the river of life branching out into many directions which are the timelines that it can potentially become. It has all branches and none at the same time, being capable of becoming anything that it wants. In the higher dimensions and realms of reality, there are worlds and universes that exist and the higher up you go in these dimensions the closer the being comes to the essence of infinity, of eternity and the eternal. There is a reality and a time where we have this conversation, another where you never graced my presence, and another still where my people rule supreme over the planet, all of these existing at the same time simultaneously. Time occupies and is the same as space, and thus it takes on infinite forms, because everything is in the space of time. What we perceive as time is no more than now, and what that can become. All things, all of time, and space are connected in the eternal now. Time is the now taking on these infinite different forms. In this space there is a dinosaur eating from a tree. In another, there is this meeting which you consider the present, and so on. In this way time is always unfolding unto itself, and there are many different possibilities of what it can become. When you begin to understand this, the evolved consciousness can interact with this dimension of time, to transcend it and go to any point in space and time because it is aware that the mind governs the laws of the universe, and it has become aware that all points are connected in the now. It is simply taking the physical to another point of the space of what right now can become. This is not too unlike how you transport in this physical realm. First, the conscious thought occurs that you wish to be at some other destination, and then you take the physical means to get you to that place. It all begins with consciousness. Consciousness too is connected to all that space and time is. Everything is consciousness also. In the higher realms and dimensions, energy, and everything else is much lighter and thus we can transport ourselves through all of space and time because of the liquidity of the higher dimensions. The universe doesn’t have one history, but every possible history. In your three-dimensional physical world, time may be a linear construct whereby there is but one earthly plane, but in the higher dimensions there are planes of many earths each with their own point of singularity and their own histories. It is within these higher dimensions that our multidimensional beings reside. From this vantage point, we can look out over the different histories found throughout this plane of worlds and seek out those realities that we believe are to our highest good. We realize in our evolved consciousness that we exist in many different places, in what you view as the past, present, and future simultaneously,” Eba Two’s voice issued forth in the backdrop of each of their minds.
“Hold on, are you saying that your kind is capable of time travel? If that were the case, wouldn’t we have seen evidence of it, or been subjected to a kind of grandfather paradox? That is a time loop,” Craig besought of Eba Two, crossing his arms as he did so, as if closing himself off to what he was encountering.
“Please tell me that he is going to present us with evidence of directed panspermia with this,” quipped Erich who had taken to pressing himself up against the window, unable to conceal his excitement.
“We are in fact very capable of what you perceive as time travel. In fact, it has been largely documented in your people’s histories and sacred texts. There have been many times in your history that we have traveled to this world to assist in getting you to this point that we find ourselves at now. I am you, and you are me. Or rather, you are us, and we are you. At the dawn of your civilization, we came so that we could seed and create for your species. We are in a sense your creators. We helped develop your civilizations at the early stages of your development. We are the heavenly beings that copulated with the daughters of man, and that have given you other biblical texts that you share today. In more recent years, we have pointed you in the direction of nuclear forces to ensure the creation of our kind. I believe that you will find the grandfather paradox present in this little conundrum of ours. The fallout of your nuclear holocaust, and the radiation thereof, will mutate the remaining survivors of your people to create for our own species. And thus, we continually repeat this cycle to ensure that this occurs. There is also a matter as it relates to all of space and time and the universe. What you find in your nuclear forces, is the stuff of the very early universe. What you have is weak and strong nuclear forces, radiation, gamma rays, and the other stuff that is crucial for the beginning stages of the universes, or a universe. In these activities you do create for other world and universes by tearing a black hole in one timeline that does so unto this manner. In a way that is consistent with your conformal cyclic cosmology models of the universe, entire universes lie on the other side of this blackhole. As a matter of fact, there are already two realities in which you have completely destroyed all sentient life on planet earth. One by means of nuclear warfare, and in the other the particle accelerator that you have here containing what you call the God particle blew up. In essence, because of your own destructive nature, we are what you will inevitably evolve into. We created you to become us. In this way, what you perceive of the universe can be seen as an infinite progression of universes stacked one on top of the other, albeit one with no boundaries. We are a species that come from the end of another such universe. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The destruction of these planets can be viewed in what the people of your earth call the Mandela Effect. The discrepancies found in some of your information is the residual energy from these other dimensions of earth seeping through. It is in this way that I can assure you that our war has already taken place. This is what I mean by this war has already happened. In a way it is already happening right now, as it will be. And it is one that you have been completely unaware that you have been fighting this whole time. You seemed surprised t hat we are capable of time travel, and say that there is no evidence, and that if there was, it would have been made present by now. But to that I say that our aircrafts are capable, and they have been in y our presence all along. Wee have helped you every step of the way throughout the eons to make sure that we get to this tipping point in our evolution. Don’t let the time pass you by. You might not like what it becomes in the next moment,” Eba hissed, this time out loud while pacing back and forth in his interrogation chamber.
“Bam! First, full cosmic disclosure. Now we have proof of space and time travel in addition to directed panspermia. This is the best day of my life. Granted it took a much darker turn that I would have anticipated,’ Erich exclaimed clapping his hands together as he did so. The original smile that had been on his face faded.
“Erich, I think that you are missing the more pressing matter at hand here. They are talking about nuclear holocaust here. Mr. President, if I may interject here, I think I am ready to give my assessment on this urgent issue. From all that I’ve seen here, I think that we should anticipate an arial attack consisting of weapons that are nuclear in nature. Now naturally, the two obvious routes that they could go would be that of attacking the major cities, or that of the mid-section of each country. You might have seen this depiction in the Phillip K. Dick series, Man in the High Castle, where they nuked the middle of the country. This is done in order to cut off trade between the east and the west. If it were me, I would have aircrafts in the sky to intercept any other of their aircrafts that might be in our airspace just in case they are carrying weapons of this kind. Meanwhile, I would issue an order to all of your interceptor stations to stand by and watch over the areas that I’ve described to you, at the ready to shoot any nuclear missiles out of the sky at the word. And what about you Stephanie? What does the professor have to say about all of this? What Can all of space and time offer to this conversation and the situation at hand,” Craig commented, looking at Stephanie with a doubtful glance.
“Mr. President, to be candidly honest, I almost envy the way that they perceive time. I wish that I could view it only for a moment in the way that this being does. Eba Two presents it in a way that is multifaceted and that has a very multidimensional way oof combining many of the leading theories of space and time, as if they perceive the world from this multidimensional lens that is above our three dimensional one. What Eba Two has presented for us amalgamates the conformal cyclic cosmology of the universe with many theories from superstring theory. That is that the universe is made up not just of our one universe, but many more that are kind of stacked one unto the other in succession coupled with the idea of string theory that there are many more dimensions and realms to our reality outside of our readily perceivable three dimensions that we use every day. It is fascinating as to how easily that Eba Two can do so. I also absolutely love the way that it is almost as if he is insinuating that time itself is like its own force or conduit that connects us to any point in space and time; something that can be traveled throughout. He also references consciousness like it is its own measurement of energy like that of a wavelength is connected to all of space and time in this manner. It is all so veery remarkable and redefines everything that we know about the spacetime continuum. This is life changing for sure,” Stephanie answered, the awe and admiration that she felt all but apparent.
“Yeah, but what can the conformal cyclic cosmology and string theory do in terms of preventing a nuclear attack,” Craig countered.
“I was getting to the part that the President is insistent upon. I think when Eba Two speaks of how this was has already happened, he means it simply in the way of how he perceives everything as the now, and that when this war takes place, whenever it happens, will take place in the infinite now, and for this reason it is as if it has already happened, because it takes place in this way that Eba Two perceives time, in that everything takes place in the contexts of the now. For him, it is taking place right now, as everything else is. Time really is just natures way of preventing everything from happening all at once after all. Then again, I think that Eba Two has touched on this point as well in all that he has said to us. By the sounds of it, we’ve been engaged in a type of warfare for eons, and we haven’t even been aware of the fact. How can you expect to win a battle that you’re not even aware that you are fighting, especially if your adversary can travel through time? That all being kept into consideration, it does give us a bit of an advantage or upper hand to know all about this. But there is the question of why they would give us a warning? Why would an intelligent lifeform spend eons covertly preparing for a warfare just to caution them of it right before it was going to happen,” Stephanie offered up her own two cents on the topic at hand.
“I can offer up an explanation for this. There are really only two reasons why that might be. In the first instance, it would be that this is not so much intentional as it is that the being has only just been brought into captivity, so it was as if it never really intended to give us this cautionary message. The other is that it wishes to make known how maleficent it is with its intentions with us are that it is willing to show its hand so to speak, in order to get into our heads. I am willing to bet on the latter. That being said, I am also at a point where I can give my assessment if the time calls for it. From what I’ve witnessed this far, I would say that Eba Two’s motifs are primarily survival based. That is not to say that the lifeform is extremely hostile, aggressive, and maleficent, and bordering on destructive. No, far from it. It is just to say that Eba is operating from a live and let die agenda centered around the survival of his species. And it does make one question what one would do to ensure the survival of their species, no matter how immoral or unethical the means to do so is. To tis end, I think that Eba Two and his kind will stop at nothing to see this thing through which concerns me. I can’t imagine what a troop of Eba Two’s can achieve with advanced technology to make sure that this happens,” Doctor Robert Diamond explained calmly to the group, shrugging as he did so, as if he was just running with the thoughts that popped up in his head as they came in.
“To a certain degree, I have to say that I disagree with the doctor. Everything, every little thing is communication. Everything is connection and relationships. I am extremely concerned by this whole exchange. I think that Eba Two and his kind are much more destructive than the doctor is letting on. There is no doubt that by immoral means that they are ensuring the survival of their species. But there is a part of me that questions whether or not the lifeform wanted to be captured to give us this message or omen of our ill fate, and the implications of why it would do such a thing. All I can say is that every bit of what Eba Two is saying, and what Eba is not saying I don’t much like. And it is more what this sentience is not saying that concerns me. I feel like his is playing games with us. It’s like he thinks he’s already won whatever game he is playing at,” Arturo objected to the doctor’s sentiments, his arms folded one into the other, his hands rubbing his jaw as one does when they are deep in contemplation.
“Whatever Eba is or is not communicating with us, as a diplomat between all of these extraterrestrial beings, I think that we should have a little conversation with the Galactic Federation, and say that this has gone too far, and that we consider this action to be an act of war, in my personal opinion Mr. President,” David seconded Craig’s thoughts on the matter.
“I think that we can all consider this an act of war David. So much for refusing to believe that these were hostile beings Erich,” Craig said in jest.
“We have to consider the complexity and the severity of the situation at hand. There are other lifeforms amongst them that are in alliance with us, and they are of good will. That and we have to consider the fact that they would view any aggressive counterattack as an act of war themselves, which they might act upon. It is definitely an interesting little situation that we find ourselves in,” the President observed in much the same way that de did Eba one from behind the thick glass.
“If that’s the case, I vote we consider this an act of war, and hit whatever space crafts they have with o ne wave of EMP bombs to shut them down. You know give them the boo. Then hit them with another wave of nukes to wipe them out as soon as possible. We should preferably try and do all this before they have the chance to decide on what to do with us. Blindside them you know. So, they won’t see it coming. That would at least have to cripple them and send them packing. Buy us some more time while they go back for reinforcements or something. If they are from the future, its not like they can keep making constant trips back and forth for this war. Or can they,” Clint said with much passion and gusto, acknowledging the general consensus to the group.
“I will be frank with you and say, believe me, the unfortunate truth is that this is not a war that we would want. We don’t stand a chance,” the President said dishearteningly, his enthusiastic expression giving way to regrettable grief.