Homecoming Chapter 20 (Serialized Novel)

Aaron M. Weis
10 min readSep 27, 2023


Chapter 20

“To conclude with, I think the thing that we should take heed of is found in how monumental it is for us to fully grasp what a risk nuclear forces pose to this planet as is evident in everything that I’ve conveyed to all of you today. In our own reality, President Truman observed this as he said, ‘I realize the tragic significance of the atomic bomb…It is an awful responsibility that has come to us…. We thank God it has come to us, instead of to our enemies; and we pray that he may guide us to use it in His ways, and for His purposes, and we have witnessed the destructive nature of it in more ways than one. In countless other realities we have destroyed ourselves through nuclear wars and holocausts. It was a weapon that was strategically presented to us for this very reason; the creation of an entirely different species that epitomizes our destructive nature. It would also be wise to do so in the grand scheme of things, because our utilizing it for the means that have been instructed to the Russian President will lead to our very demise, along with the end of other benevolent beings in the universe; something that we cannot allow to happen. Not only that, but it seems that another huge lesson that we can all learn from this is that of one having to do with conscious choice. We always have a choice, a decision to make in every moment, even if that does not appear to be the case. I mean really think about it. On a very conscious level, we are all having a conversation about, and considering the possibility of putting into action the use of nuclear weapons. A hostile threat is knocking on our doorsteps, and they are banking on our destructive nature that we will do so. We are always making a choice. On what level is it even remotely conscious to do so, knowing the kind of devastation that it causes? To push a button and annihilate so much life? There is a common enemy outside, and we are still fighting with ourselves. What does it say about us that we even allow ourselves to have these thoughts and act on them? Are we really as evolved as we believe ourselves to be when this is the case. Our common enemy aims to end a time loop by replacing our reality with their own, wiping us out of existence. While all life is valuable, I say let us rise up to their goal and accomplish it for them, ending the time loop for them by refraining from this course of action, showing them and ourselves that we are not what they think us to be. Let us choose to rise, to ascend, and choose a different and better timeline for ourselves. We have before us two world leaders; two world leaders that are at odds end with one another; can they not agree on this point to this cause and set an example for the other nations of the world in doing so? So much is at stake for us to do otherwise. So much relies and depends on us to do so,” Stephanie concluded at the end of her drawn out narrative, a thick, heavy, deafening silence filled the underground bunker once she had finished. She had quite literally rendered the room speechless.

“Jesus H. Christ, I don’t even know where to begin with all of that,” President Biden said after a lengthy pause, breaking the room’s still quietude. “I am never going to look at the way that I treat the present moment, and the decisions and choices that I make in every second of the day again.

“If it is any consolation, I can assure you in full confidence that you have a number of other sentient lifeforms assisting you in this conflict, and they will fight the more physical and tangible part for you as you figure out a way to ensure that the people of your world refrain from using nuclear weapons,” Niv offered to the American President.

“Well, personally I am a little skeptical about this whole sometimes no action is a playable action idea, but I am willing to give it a try if that is the honest to God outcome that we can expect from this. Now, I don’t know about President Putin here, he seems to me to be a kind of traitor to all humankind, but for the moment I suppose that it can be overlooked if he has any redeemable actions. However, I think even if we act as an exemplary exemplification of how to act in these times, we can not assure that the other nations of the world will act in this fashion, especially with all the caution and concern that has been raised in these regards as of recently. I suppose that this is the present challenge that we will have to find a solution to and fast. I only fear that even if we find a viable solution that it puts us in a position that we are crossing our fingers and praying hoping that other world powers will not choose this option for themselves. What do you say Putin? I agree if you do,” President Biden remarked after careful consideration of what Niv offered to the conversation.

“I would like a chance to show that I am a better human being than I have been up to this point,” Putin started bashfully. “But President Biden has a good point. How do we convince over two hundred world leaders to this course of action, or rather inaction?” The Russian President put forth.

“I believe that I have an viable solution to the problem that you are facing if the two of you are so agreeing,” Niv offered, which caught the attention of the entire room.

“It seems an almost impossible feat. What can you possibly suggest,” President Biden responded the disbelief all but apparent in his tone of voice.

“I have told Stephanie how in our world, how the other sentient lifeforms throughout the universe have been aided by the beings of light and the higher dimensional beings by having their atomic and nuclear powers dematerialized from off the face of the planet. This is yet another reason that I am here at present. With your permissions, I could in a matter of a few minutes have several waves of these beings show up to your world to do exactly that. It would be almost instantaneous. With your permission of course,” he answered as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

“Is that possible? And why do you place such an emphasis on having our permission?” The Russian President injected.

“It is very possible. It has been done on numerous occasions as it is. We have already shown you the answer when you shot your nuclear missile out into the heavens. We were showing you a way even then. We have always been very concerned about your wellbeing. You are like our children. Or perhaps it is better to say that we are you and you are us. What you will become at least. And I ask your permission because the Galactic Federation operates under certain laws of universal free will. By doing so, as the leaders of your world, you are showing that you are so willing for this course of action,” Niv answered, once again to the bewilderment of the entire underground hanger.

“I mean I can’t fathom a world without nuclear forces, but if that is the case, then please by all means, intervene and save us from this situation. Hell, save us from ourselves,” President Putin put forth passionately.

“That’s all we have ever asked. It is done,” Niv returned empathetically. No sooner had he done so when he solemnly bowed his head, closing his eyes as he did so. To the other individuals in the room, it might have come across that this otherworldly sentient lifeform was observing a moment of silence for the circumstances, or that he was saying a kind of mantra or prayer. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth, even though the race of Niv’s world believed that they were always in a state of meditative prayer. What was really happening was that Niv was connecting with the collective unconsciousness of the new earth, and telepathically communicating with Elioud and the rest of the Galactic Federation for a specific means to and ends.

And it came to pass that it all happened as instantaneously as Niv had said, although the occupants of the large underground bunker were all completely unaware of the events that would come to pass. With a telepathic instruction, there came three large waves of the large spherical vessels. Now, it is approximated that there are 12,700 nuclear missiles located throughout the world, located at some 9.700 locations. In the matter of seconds, the spherical vessels appeared on sight to these locations, and using their alien lasers, they target each and every one of these weapons of mass destruction, and on their mark, dematerialized them all out of existence before disappearing as quickly as they had come.

This one action was of substantial causality. The ethers and the airways up above filled with a deafening stillness of quietude. On both sides of the battlefield waging in the heavens up above the involved parties ceased all actions in a motionless stand still as if they were waiting on something to happen. Then there came the eclipse, or something like that. Far above the alien warzone, a great ethereal black object emerged in the sky that seemed to pulsate and throb. It was not a black hole, or a worm hole, per se, and scientists everywhere would have liked to study the unexplainable phenomena. What happened was that, slowly and surely, that this orb above seemed to spin and grow exponentially in its size. Then it came to pass that all of the pyramidal structures, and all that belonged to the Zeta Recticuli, the Reptilian, and all other of the hostile forces were slowly dragged in and pulled in toward the sphere that blotted out the sun. As they approached the spherical astronomical anomaly it so became manifest that the objects seemed to become as whisps of smoke, or that each one began to disintegrate like grains of sands lost to the wind, so that the whole lot faded from existence. In a strict manner of speaking, in the actions of the Zeta Recticuli, they had risked the possibility of an incursion from happening. They had wanted to collapse and end the time loop that was all they had known. But they had failed. Not only had they failed at bringing their dimension of reality into this one that will live in, but in creating for the circumstances to create for their species. Now with a world without nuclear weapons and forces, there was now no way to allow for the creation of their race. So in turn, they created for the incursion that they risked, and it would wipe them all out from existence. The other worlds and realities would for the most part go unaffected by the rift in the spacetime continuum. It really was Niv had predicted. They had destroyed themselves by their own destructive nature. Rather than replace another reality with their own, they became destined to fade into nothingness.

And it came to pass that the last evidence of the Zeta Recticuli and the Reptilian was sucked through the giant black mass in the sky, at which point it imploded in on itself with no effect to the rest of the participating realities involved. With the threat no longer remaining in the heavens above, the spherical shapes, and the rest of the spacecrafts belonging to those benevolent races of the Galactic Federation so returned to where they came from, and they did so as quickly as they had come. They were no longer needed.

Consciousness is the greatest measurement of energy. In both its individual and collective form, both on the unconscious and conscious level, it creates for the material world around us. It is our conscious thoughts that create our reality around us. Consciousness knows no religion, creed, race, or any other dualistic definition of people that separates them. Although consciousness implies with it choice. In every moment, there are countless doorways, highways, and paths that our decisions through said consciousness can take us to. Some can liberate us, while others can condemn and confine us. All sentient lifeforms are doing the best that they can with their level of consciousness. In the end, the Zeta Recticuli along with the Reptilian chose those decisions in each and every moment that centered around destruction. There is a saying that the energy that you put out into the universe is the energy that you receive onto yourself. Thus, their own destructive means led to their own ultimate demise. The people of earth however, at least the earth in Stephanie’s reality, chose the path of their highest timeline. They chose to rise above their own destructive nature, and with it they chose their salvation. In choosing their highest timeline, another collapsed on itself, although it was their lowest timeline of things that could be.

We are reaching a nexus point in our society, where are physics and our sciences tells us of worlds of higher dimensions and consciousness. As such, the next stage of our own evolution points us in the direction of the evolution of consciousness. One that seems to tell us to evolve or die. And so it is that an awakening is taking place on a global level. The evolution of consciousness would seem to imply that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. That we are multidimensional beings; beings that are the universe experiencing itself in human form. Be this as it may, throughout our history, through our consciousness we have waged our wars, committed horrible acts such as genocide, enslaved others, and committed other heinous acts. We have done these things in the name of God. The wealthy have a better chance of passing through the eye of a needle than to enter the kingdom of god as the parable goes, which speaks to how we have become a spiritually impoverished people. Through our consciousness we pollute and destroy the world around us, which is not only another sentient being, but that is our only home in the universe. We have chosen destruction. It is time to choose differently. It is time for us to evolve.



Aaron M. Weis
Aaron M. Weis

Written by Aaron M. Weis

Aaron M. Weis is an online journalist, web content writer, and avid blogger who specializes in spirituality, science, and technology.

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