Homecoming Chapter 16 (Serialized Novel)
Chapter 16
Earth. The only home that the human race has ever known. With its vast and abundant oceans, from space it has always looked like a perfectly spherical glassy blue marble, with little patches and swirls of greens, browns, yellows, and opaque whites. It is exceedingly difficult to think of it any other way. Even considering the possibility of a multiverse with countless other alternate realities, it is hard to fathom one where that isn’t the case.
There was a faint pop, and both Stephanie and Niv reappeared at yet another location somewhere out in the confines of space. Stephanie’s mouth gaped in astonishment at the sight that she saw before her. The place that Niv had taken her seemed to be a kind of alien barren wasteland. It was a grey and grim world filled with many craters and pockets that descended further than the eye could see. And Stephanie marveled at the view of the stars from their particular vantage point. What was even more curious weas a kind of faint white orb that seemed to emit from Niv, and that surrounded the two of them, protecting them from the elements outside of it.
Stephanie turned around, and what she saw was even more startling than the location that they had found themselves at. For what appeared far off in the distance ahead of them was yet another celestial body unlike anything that she had ever seen. The closest thing that she could think of that compared was that of the likes of Pluto, but what she saw before her definitely was not that. The colossal mass ahead of her almost reminded her of a giant jawbreaker that had been sucked on until it has become discolored and lost its round shape. Or better yet, a lopsided bolder that was disproportional in the way that its mass was spread about, consisting of many bizarre colors, as she noted its many different shades of whites, yellows, oranges, and blues. The only thing that made it even remotely similar to the other planets that she was aware of was found in the fact that this planet did not have any bodies of water. Despite this fact, there were great ridges, cliffs, and chasms that implied to the observer that there had once been water on this odd celestial body. Still, it looked so unlike even her most fanciful ideas of what an alien planet might look like. But the strangest thing about the whole sight was in the fact that the stars that she could make out seemed reminiscent of home.
“Niv, where is this place that you’ve taken me to? It creates for the strangest phenomenon. This place seems to be a moon or satellite of some sort. The craters, the dust, its grey color, and everything else points to this conclusion, but that simply can’t be. If it were, then how could we explain such variables as our ability to breathe? It points in the direction that it must be a celestial body to one of those otherworldly beings that I met back on the new earth. But that is not the most curious thing., What is that celestial body off in the distance? It is unlike any that I have studied or am familiar with, which would lead to the previous conclusion. Despite that fact, the various star systems and constellations point us somewhere near the earth, which is impossible. Over there we can see the belt of Orion, just as both the Big and Little Dipper are easily made out by the naked eye. Would you please care to explain? I feel so lost,” Stephanie inquired of her guide and teacher.
“This, Stephanie, is yet another dimension and alternate reality of what is to become of your world. What you see before you are what will happen if the people of your earth do not heed all the cautionary warnings of your people’s scientists in matters as they pertain to climate change and all its related matters. What you will find here is that your people’s failure to address the problem of carbon admissions ripped a hole in your ozone layer, creating for intense atmospheric and temperature changes. Despite these adverse side effects, you people continued the behaviors of climate manipulation such as their chem trails, along with fracking, until what you see before you became inevitable. All these factors combined, in a gradual process the planet, in a kind of self-administered chemotherapy, viewing the destructive species known as Homo Sapiens Sapiens as a kind of parasitic host, in a last-ditch desperate attempt of self-preservation, rid itself of the very resource that provided for all life on the planet. There were scientists among your people that predicated that the world would be without water by the year 2050, and they were right. This is earth rid of all its water. A world without life.
“Oh my God. I cannot believe it came to this. But I am confused. You refer to the planet as if it is a living thing or organism. Why is that?” Stephanie asked, curious at Niv’s reference.
“There are several extremely important lessons to be learned from this reality, which is one of the reasons that I bring you to it Stephanie. That is an excellent observation that you make in that I refer to the planet as a living organism, and the reasons that I do are many. The first, and perhaps most important, is because of the fact that it is in all totality a living conscious entity. If one looked close enough, you’d see every indication of this. The human body is made up of roughly seventy to eighty percent water. This was also the case with your planet before it rid itself of this essential resource, at least in this timeline. Similarly, what you find with your species, and almost all other living things, is that they produce an electromagnetic pulse from their very core. This too, is the case with the planet earth, and all other celestial bodies in the universe for that matter. Although, in this reality, its torus and electromagnetic pulse is fainter. In addition to that, what we find with your planet is that it had orbited in both the precise elliptical path and region of space that life could flourish, which is not a coincidence, and implies a sense of consciousness. Finally, what we find with your planet, is that it gives birth to living organisms from the tallest of trees to many, many other different species. With all of this kept in mind, how can one not see that it too, is a living entity? True as this may be, in this understanding, it is of the utmost importance that you impart this message and lesson to your people whose meaning is twofold. Before you Stephanie, you see all the reasons why the people of your planet need to start addressing the inherent problems they face as they relate to nature, and all other levels of the environment, from microscopic to macroscopic, as opposed to continually putting them off for some other generation to solve. For the human race, earth has been the only home they will ever have in the cosmos. It is also important to understand how important that your people start revering earth as the living entity that she is, and treating her as such, in order that you can do everything in your power to heal her. The alternative is the fact that it can come to this. As a living organism the earth too will do everything to ensure its own survival, even if it means resorting to this. But come Stephanie, there is much more that I have to show you with so little time. Come, let us go,” Niv said, finally finished with imparting to Stephanie all the wisdom he had about the different realms of the universe.
By this time, Stephanie had come to learn that this request of his meant that they were about to use whatever portal Niv used to travel throughout space and time. Sure enough, there was another blip of that familiar white light that issued from the orb surrounding him, making it so that the scene in front of them disappeared completely from their view as they were taken to whatever momentarily bridged the gap between the two locations. Less than a second later, an entirely new sight lay before them. As they passed on to the other side, Stephanie’s thoughts lingered on this in-between place, wondering where is spacetime they possibly went before they had reached their final destination. Although this was only a brief consideration as her mind tried to grasp the entirety of the spectacle before her eyes.
Immediately Stephanie let out a gasp of alarm as she tried to acclimate herself to the newfound environment that surrounded her. In this strange new place that Niv had taken her to, the first and most apparent thing that leapt out to her was the fact that they were not standing on the dryness of firm ground, but rather that they were suspended in the vast recesses of space without anchor or support. Another thing that was of particular interest to Stephanie as she grappled with this fact, was the way that they did not float slowly through the ethers, but rather remained so perfectly still. By now Stephanie had long since abandoned trying to figure out how such factors as how they were capable of breathing, how they did not feel the bitter cold of space, or other pertinent variables such as gravitational laws being violated, attributing it all to the orb that surrounded him, and this Merkabah thing that Niv had so frequently referenced. She though back to the temple and the garden and wondered in all that Niv had imparted onto her whether or not she would be capable of such feats in time.
Once Stephanie had gotten over this initial shock, her mind quickly took to accessing the other more ubiquitous condition to this place that Niv had taken her to. Even with the aid of the light provided by the orb that surrounded them, and the countless numbers of stars that radiated in the background, all was a deep impenetrable darkness. While Stephanie trusted her aid and guide, it was something that peaked her anxieties and sense of alarm all the more. In a personal assessment to gauge exactly how dark it was, Stephanie held her hand out in front of her, and looking down at it, was pleased to see that she could just barely make it out. Still, the thought wasn’t all that comforting.
There was another feature and quality to the place that Niv had transported them to. More specifically, it felt as if something seemed slightly off, like it was missing a certain something. Stephanie looked cautiously all around her, filled with wonderment. Then it came to her. Once again, by the markings of the stars, one would place their approximate location somewhere around where the earth should be. This time, however, there was neither planet nor moon to be seen. Perplexed, Stephanie wondered to herself as to whether there was a reality that was devoid of a planet earth altogether, and why Niv would want to take her there. As the thought passed her mind, Stephanie ruminated long and hard over the differing versions of earth that he had already taken her to, the lessons that she was supposed to retain from them, and how the whole experience reminded her of something out of Charles Dicken’s, A Christmas Carol.
Still further, her curious and wondering eyes probed further into the stillness of space, until they settled upon something much more startling in close approximation to where the earth should have been. Just faintly, she could make out a swirling vortex spinning round itself, with all of the spacetime curvature bending inward on itself. She had seen the hypothetical and speculative renderings of a wormhole, and had mused them over in great length, but they were something she wasn’t sure even existed, and certainly not of this size and magnitude. Especially when considering how the requirements for them were near impossible, with the necessity for quantum foam, cosmic strings, not to mention exotic matter for the purpose of stabilizing them. It left her with so many questions, such as how it was formed, what was keeping it stabilized, and whether or not it was a traversable wormhole or what other type of wormhole it could be.
“Let me guess Niv. This is another version of what earth can become in the higher dimensions and alternate realities. I get it. But that can’t be what I think it is. It still seems that we have the bearings of earth with all the constellations in their approximate places, but if I didn’t know better, then that celestial formation is a wormhole, but that isn’t logistically possible, with its being in its location. How would you explain this,” Stephanie asked Niv.
“In this reality and timeline of your earth, you can thank your scientists for the phenomenon that you see before you. Once more, I can’t help but marvel at your astute sense of observation. Very good, that is a wormhole that you see before you. As before, I bring you here to impart with you another important message and lesson to teach the people of your world for your planet’s sake. It saddens me to relay that the people of your world destroy themselves in many different timelines and realities, this being just one of them. In this particular instance, what we find is that the particle accelerator at the CERN Research Center along with its God Particle exploded, ripping a hole in the spacetime continuum, and with the God Particle briefly popping in and out of existence as it did so, resulted in the wormhole that you see before you. That brief pop in the event alone created for enough negative energy ande exotic matter to sustain the wormhole for as long as it had. Something that I know that you are wondering about. And I think you would be fascinated to know that it is because of this that the people of your world observe what you know as the Mandela Effect. Energy, as you know it, can be neither created nor destroyed. The discrepancies in facts and events that are noted are the result of lingering residual energy from this destroyed reality. It is as if the energy of this world has condensed down and collapsed into your own, resulting in this particular phenomenon. Even so, it is important to note the necessary lesson and message that needs to be imparted to your people. As a species, the human race has been one of the most destructive in all the multiverse in their combined actions. To make things worse, they have created many devices, nuclear weapons, and the CERN particle accelerator, just to name a few, that are capable of destroying the world many times over. With all of their combined thoughts and conscious efforts that have created for this, as opposed to anything that could rid themselves of it, or to create for a global civilization of peace. These are both things that we have manifested in the new earth. The first step of which was the removal of these devices. There very presence is a threat to your planet, and it is important that you relay this message,” Niv informed Stephanie.
“And what is that over there that streaks across the heavens like a shooting star and glimmers and reflects like a mirror?” Stephanie asked innocently, pointing at the object in which she referred to, and together the two of them watched as it shot across the heavens, bearing a course aimed directly at them, and closing fast. While it appeared as a glimmering light at first, it quickly took its shape, parabolic in its form.
“Careful Stephanie. It is a Reptilian spacecraft on a scanning route. They have found us. You are not safe here any longer,” answered Niv, holding his arms out as if to block Stephanie.
“What are we to do Niv?” Stephanie asked in terror, remembering the events at Area 51 with those terrifying lizard-like aliens.
“Get behind me Stephanie. I will take care of this,” Niv reassured Stephanie.
Stephanie did as Niv instructed, wedging herself as far back behind him as the little orb of his allowed for. She watched in amazement as he stretched his arms out in front of him, the palms of his hands reaching face up. From them, he produced a tiny spherical object that glowed with a resemblance to that of the orb that surrounded them, and it floated several inches above the palm of his hand. Stephanie was both surprised and outraged by this recent development. How on earth does he intend on defending us against one of those spacecrafts with that tiny little marble, she found herself wonder aloud to herself.
As Niv was busying himself with the little ball, as if he was blessing it, or praying over, the Reptilian spacecraft made a swift turn, and descended upon them in an arching attack. Stephanie shielded herself behind Niv’s back, unable to bear the sight of their swift end. Closing her eyes and wondering to herself why her guide did not simply teleport them to another location, she expected the worse. Still, Niv busied himself with the small white object as the spacecraft made its pass. The spacecraft rounded and shot two red beams of light at the pair of them as it did so, but the beams were stopped by the orb that surrounded them, acting as a shield that protected them from harm’s way.
While the spacecraft rounded to make its second pass, Niv said something to the whirling object in his palms, something that was completely inaudible and unregistered to Stephanie. Still, his words caught her attention, and she peaked her eyes open to see how the situation was progressing, partly surprised that there was anything left of them. Much to her astonishment, the little object began rotating even faster, and it started to move, making its way outside of the orb that surrounded and protected them. Once outside, Stephanie was taken aback to see that it did grow exponentially in its size so that by the time that it had left its shield it was the same size as the orb that surrounded them. Several seconds later, it was the same size as the ship that was hunting them, and not long after that, the white spherical object was at least twice its size. The sphere paused for a moment, a brilliant yellow light surrounding it, and then it shot off after the Reptilian spacecraft.
It was at that precise moment that the Reptilian spacecraft reached the peak of its arch to make its second pass at Stephanie and Niv when it met the Sphere. Both the white sphere that Niv had summoned, and the alien vessel hurtled at one another on a direct collision course. At the last second, the hostile force shot its red laser beams at whatever it was that Niv had manifested to fight on their behalf, before swerving off to the right to avoid the collision. However, the beams of light ricocheted before it ever contacted the sphere. And much to Stephanie’s surprise, the Sphere managed a maneuver that almost seemed impossible in accordance with all laws of Physics, for in an instant, it was able to stop on a dime despite its speed, only to swivel around on the spot, taking off after the Reptilian ship as it did so. It was to her greater astonishment that upon this happenstance, swiveled around as well, and took off in the other direction in order to flee the scene.
“How’d you do that?” Stephanie asked, impressed by the feat that she had just witnessed.
“It is something that you too would be able to do if you knew how to activate and harness the power of your Merkabah. I only hope that it is something that you learn soon,” Niv answered.
“Do you think that they will be back soon?”
“I do not know, but I don’t want to stick around to find out. Besides, there is still more to show you. Come, let us go Stephanie. And make sure you carry with you and remember those lessons that you’ve learned with.” And with that, the two of them were off with another blinding flash of light.