Homecoming Chapter 15 (Serialized Novel)

Aaron M. Weis
15 min readSep 27, 2023


Chapter 15

Spacetime is the very substance that comprises the fourth dimension to our reality. Thus, it is the very doorway that connects the three dimensions of our physical experience to the higher dimensions of our existence. It was here, somewhere in the higher dimensional planes of reality, that one of the Zeta Recticuli spacecrafts hovered and rotated in place, hidden in plain sight from the three-dimensional perspective of the people of earth. To further ensure that it went unnoticed, it was equipped with a cloaking device that made it completely undetectable to any of the terrestrial instruments and technologies.

Now, it should be noted here that there is perhaps nothing more rank, macabre, morbid, gruesome, and utterly terrifying than being on board a Zeta Recticuli spacecraft. It could be argued that the only thing more horrifying was the experience of being abducted onto one; an experience that would have the individual forced into committing the worst of sins against whatever God they worshipped in the process.

A look inside at the interior of one of these vehicles shows that they carried with them a resemblance and similitude to all the Pyramids of earth, ranging from those of the Mayans, and the Aztecs, to those greats of Egypt. At the same time, there was nothing on earth quite like them. Upon entrance, the first thing of notice was that of the many deep and intricate interconnected tunnels and passageways, that zigzagged their way all throughout this structure. This vast labyrinth was not for the claustrophobic, for it seemed that to navigates one’s way throughout them would require scratching and clawing within them. In fact, deep within the walls could be found many claw markings, some of which had broken off nails lodged into them. Albeit some sort of light would be needed to make out these details in the pitch-black darkness exhibited by these tunnels. As a result, it also seemed that to make one’s passage through such a tunnel would be a mission of blind faith.

Continuing forward, a visitor of a Zeta Recticuli spacecraft would come to find that each one of these tunnels and passageways led to a number of vast chambers located all throughout the vessels and that these chambers were arranged in layers or tiers that seemed to be built in the fashion that one was on top of another. Each one of these chambers served their own individual purposes to the Zeta Recticuli who inhabited them. On the topmost tier or layer of the spacecraft, in its very tip, was what appeared to be a room in which they made sacrifices of the many species and races of beings they encountered in their journeys throughout the universe. Here, a total of thirteen skulls were placed in mounts along the walls for some unknown reason. These skulls seemed to all be made up of the same species of extraterrestrial being. They surrounded a kind of stone slab table in the middle of the wall, that along with the floor around it was covered in blood.

Just below that was a chamber that seemed to be some kind of place of worship. All throughout it, there appeared many different carvings and engravings drawn into the wall. Not only that, but they were surrounded by what looked like red clay ceramic plates that made it look as if there was blood splatter on the walls. These particular carvings and engravings seemed to narrate a story of an annihilation by some device from the heavens up above, and a cyclic pattern of life playing out over and over again for all eternity. In addition to these, the room had with it a great many shrines, statues, and artifacts that all seem to depict the Zeta Recticuli in one light or another, as if in stages of development, or perhaps of different lineages and bloodlines. The truth of the matter was that the Zeta Recticuli spiritual beliefs centered around service to self, and the belief that, with all things being a manifestation of God, that each individual onto themselves was a God, or a Child of God, and thus, what they had was a kind of perverse worship of self. And the chambers within the spacecraft of this likeness were many.

Still in another one of these vast halls was what appeared to be an operating room, with all kinds of metallic instruments rattling in cages off in the sides of the room. This was where a large percent of those abducted by the Zeta Recticuli ended up. Here there were rows of odd metallic cages that almost seemed rounded so that whoever laid in them sat in a kind of fetal position. The beds also seemed to made of some special, unearthly alloyed metal. Here some of the most atrocious acts of torture have been conducted by the Zeta Recticuli for eons. In truth, they were master DNA engineers in their own right. The Zeta Recticuli was becoming a dying race as a result of their mutations, and their experiments served to splice, and engineer the DNA of the species they encountered to see if they could possibly make a hybrid race, or solve the riddle of how to strengthen their own DNA. At each one of the tables, there dangled from the ceilings from a number of coiled wires, metallic helmets of sorts. In these, we also find how the Zeta Recticuli are master’s at manipulation of chemical processes to which they had multiple methods to. There are no words to express what ungodly things take place in these halls of a Zeta Recticuli spacecraft.

And just below that, at the base was the largest room in the whole ship. This section acted as the spacecrafts operating center. What was most fascinating about it, was the fact that it was for the most part completely emptied out, save for a kind of sleek black table in its middle, that could materialize into whatever the user wanted it to become. That being said, what was perhaps most fascinating about this room was that of the composition of its walls. Here, in the interior of the ship’s control room, the walls were a dark pitch of black, and seemed to be made of some slimy and slithering living organism or creature, as if it were a living and breathing lifeform. In its composition, it was almost like a snake or the tentacles of an octopus in the way that its coils wrapped around themselves. Encased within this living wall, were glass like containers and entombments, where a number of the Zeta Recticuli race were kept, apparently sleeping. Every so often, a blue pulse of light would emit from the tops of these chambers in synchronicity with one another, moving upwards throughout the pyramidal structure towards its very tip. It was here that a select few of leading Zeta Recticuli controlled and operated the vessels with their thoughts and consciousness, in a combined effort acting as one. Although, perhaps the most horrifying aspect to this wall was the way that an incalculable number of lifeforms found their way wrapped up in the tentacles of the wall, their shrill shrieks, screams, and shouts heard all throughout the vessel. It was here that Malduk had taken his goons too when they had last departed from Area 51.

“Let me tell you something about the Zeta race, while I speak to your insolence, and let it speak to how disappointed I am with your insubordinate behavior. But I suppose that I wouldn’t expect much from the lower self of what Tiamat will incarnate as,” spat Malduk to Tiamat, Kon, several other surrounding Zeta Recticuli, and one other presence. For groveling at his feet in a grey three-piece suit was an elderly human being. Great beads of perspiration forming at his brow as he sweated profusely across his contorted face which had terror written all over it. That man was Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and both Tiamat and Kon stood on either side of him, their razor-sharp wings pointed at his neck. “Like the mythological Phoenix of your mythological texts, we the Zeta Recticuli emerged and were molded from out of the ashes of the nuclear warfare that will ensue on your planet. Sometime, in biological matters of evolution, the conditions benefit the surviving species. In this case, it wasn’t so for our own people. To a certain extent we had to devolve as our species was the byproduct of years of constant radiation and mutations. You see, this is why it is so essential that we make sure that you initiate nuclear warfare on your planet, for none other means can lead to our creation and survival. Moloch, the implant,” Malduk continued, motioning to another Zeta Recticuli by the name of Moloch who was carrying a large metallic syringe. Malduk looked disparagingly at Putin as Moloch crossed over in front of him and inserted the syringe into the blood vessel running along his temples. The President of that large governmental body struggled and whimpered through tears as he was held down, the injection being made. “The implant that we have inserted in you carries high levels of Serotine which assists in making its subjects more docile and receptive to suggestion. In essence, it is a means of control. You should know that from all that we have taught you in areas of pharmaceuticals over the years. Now, before we continue any further, let me elaborate on the history that we share, for in this timeline, your history is our own. Here, I must assure you that there is no way that the people of your earth can prevail against us. We have the benefit of time to our advantage. From our futuristic place and perspective, we have visited each period and epoch of civilization throughout the millennia to assist in its development. From this vantage point, we have done so to make sure that you get to the point of nuclear forces and powers for this very purpose. The only problem that we have had, is that in our travels, and in guiding you along, we have scare little nuclear materials so that we can pull the trigger ourselves, for a lack of better words. That, and there are certain universal laws that we are operating under, certain laws that other entities have sworn to protect, such as that of the law of free will, so hence you see the dilemma in that we have to have you initiate this event yourself. Here, you see the degree of our patience, in that we have been playing at a long game over the centuries to which you have been completely unaware of. At the same time, you can’t deny the poetic cycle that is liken to your snake eating its own tail. We have helped, guided, and assisted in your creation in many respects, and you will assist in our creation in a relentless pattern that seems never ceasing. From the perspective of time, it has already happened, there is no stopping it. So, you might as well assist in any way that you can. Now, I would like for you to explain yourself, and tell me why you have not held up on your end of the deal. But before you answer, let me reiterate to you the precedents that have been set into motion, and the serious exigencies that the situation calls for. At present, we have multiple timelines and realities merging at an apex point, which accounts for what you see taking place on your planet at this time. This event can lead to an incursion, which would mean that any one of these worlds could be utterly destroyed or cease to exist all together. Now, this is the result of our actions, and you may say that decision was a bit extreme, but for us the risk seemed well worth it. Our species is all in, as your people say. To further stress the point, I will tell you that there is another race of beings that is fighting for their own survival in all of this. In many ways, it is a case of do or die, in that it is either them or us, and for this reason there is no length that we will go to in order that we ensure that we succeed in our plots. So, earthling, explain yourself, not that the complexity of the situation is made perfectly clear to you,” Malduk trailed off, with a menacing snarl at the Russian President.

“Malduk, please bear with me as I explain myself and my place in all of this. As much as I would like to get this over with, there are numerous variables that the people of my earth have to keep into account. Even though you have so graciously gifted us with your technologies and your knowledge, and ensured us our place in this new world, there are those, even in my closest of circles, that have their doubts about what it is that you are asking of me. First and foremost, they are worried that there won’t even be an earth left if we carry out your agenda. They feel it isn’t a risk worth taking, thinking that it might rip a hole in the very fabric of reality, or destroy our planet altogether. Then there are other factors to keep into consideration. I can shoot my missiles, but there are other forces that have their own Interceptor missiles that can stop them before they reach their target. I could launch twelve missiles, and perhaps only one of those will see it to its mark. We also have to keep causality and consequences into consideration. I am but one leader of approximately two hundred forty-six nations. If the previous scenario turns out to be the case, there is no telling how all of them will react in response. This could very possibly make us an open target to them after words, and they would be absolutely willing to annihilate us right off the face of the planet. And that doesn’t even include the possibility that it would set up for a chain reaction of countries using nuclear forces on our planet, which our best logicians maintain would in fact be an extinction level event. That, and I beseech you to bear with my place in all of this. I may be the leader of one the greatest powers of the world, but at the end of the day, I am but a mere puppet. There are others on my planet, the very social elite who make the real power plays behind the scenes that don’t understand the military aspect, or alien diplomacy involved in this scenario. I am ashamed to admit it, but they send me at their expense as a mere pawn at their bidding to you. True as that made be, I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to see that your requests are seen to,” answered Putin, trembling, and shaking now before Malduk, a pool of piss forming underneath him as it ran down his legs.

“I find this abominable display of weakness and cowardice to be quite disgusting. It is very uncharacteristic of you. If that is the case, I suppose that the question that you should be asking yourself is whether you want to have this social elite of yours dealing with your incompetency, or if you want to have to answer to Tiamat and Kon here who I am quite sure would like to see your head rolling on the floor. It is completely up to you. I would even recommend as an alternative that you arrange it that I speak to one of them instead to remove this heavy burden off of yourself, but unfortunately, we are pressed for time, and the best I have to work with is you. So, here’s what I will do. Seeing that we have inserted our serotonin implants, we will give you a day to bring our demands into fruition, or the next time that we meet, the conversation that we have might not be as pleasant, and could very well be your last,” spat Malduk, grabbing the Russian President up by his collar, and raising him up to his feet.

“Yes, Malduk, whatever you say. I give you my word that I will personally see to it that your wishes are seen to in a timely fashion,” Putin whimpered as Malduk placed him down at arm’s length in front of him, both Tiamat and Kon withdrawing a step back from him as he did so.

“For your sake you’d better,” sneered Malduk, and with a great thundering clash, there was a flash of brilliant white light, and the Russian President disappeared before their very eyes.

“Now, as for you two,” Malduk said, rounding on both Tiamat and Kon, the surrounding Zeta Recticuli stepping back as he focused on them. “I cannot begin to express how deeply disappointed I am with the two of you and your inability to follow through on simple tasks. Knowing perfectly well how important the girl is in our whole plan, how is it even remotely possible that you let her get away into the safety of those infernal Arcturian? She was right before your very clutches, and you just let her slip away. This is a kind of ineptitude that we cannot afford at this time. Would either of you care to explain to me as to why you simply did not conduct an interdimensional abduction which would have been far easier?” Malduk asked nearing ever closer to them as he did so. As this happened, two great tentacles belonging to the wall dismounted from their place and towered over them, like a cobra with its hood flared, getting ready to pounce on its prey.

“Sire, I should be the one to set things straight,” Tiamat started, his claws curled in a kind of deformed paralysis out of the sheer fear that he felt. That was another characteristic of the Zeta Recticuli spacecraft, in that it permeated fear, anger, hatred and all other base feelings as if the air stunk of it, and the very ship personified, epitomized, and typified those qualities in a foul odor. “Listen to what I have to say. The order that we were given was that of an immediate extraction, which we followed through with. When that command was given, the girl had already arrived at their secured military base, and the room in question was secured by means of those elements which prevent us from carrying out any kind of teleportation. We were sure that we could take the girl on our own accord. What we did not anticipate was for the Arcturian to intercept us prior to, and during the process. They gave us quite the fight. That being said, we will not let it happen again. That much I personally promise you,” Tiamat finished, while giving the behemoth of a tentacle a sideways nervous glance.

“If it is as you say. Even so, you should have known better. And, in your defense, perhaps it could all be for the best, a kind of universal divine plan playing in our favor. While we cannot get the girl while she is in the sanctuary and safe haven that surrounds the new earth that they destructed, I am she that her other half will impart other useful insights that we can leverage to our benefit once we have secured her. That being said, to this end, we have to devise a plan as to how we are going to go about getting her now that she is in the hands of the Galactic Federation. It could very well be that they will nor risk allowing her to leave its confines, seeing as there is no way that we can go there. But I have a very strong feeling that Niv has something else in plan for her. Any suggestions on how we shall proceed from here in this regard?” Malduk probed of his comrades, his fists clenched in his intense rage, which seemed to be one of the only feelings the being knew.

“If it is as you say. Even so, you should have known better. And, in your defense, perhaps it could all be for the best, a kind of universal divine plan playing in our favor. While we cannot get the girl while she is in the sanctuary and safe haven that surrounds the new earth that they destructed, I am she that her other half will impart other useful insights that we can leverage to our benefit once we have secured her. That being said, to this end, we have to devise a plan as to how we are going to go about getting her now that she is in the hands of the Galactic Federation. It could very well be that they will nor risk allowing her to leave its confines, seeing as there is no way that we can go there. But I have a very strong feeling that Niv has something else in plan for her. Any suggestions on how we shall proceed from here in this regard?” Malduk probed of his comrades, his fists clenched in his intense rage, which seemed to be one of the only feelings the being knew.

“I could go with them as a representative to our party,” said another male Zeta Recticuli by the name of Keiran who was a spitting image of Malduk.

“Very good. All of you make it so. While we are torn from the same fabric, Niv think’s that he is the better half in all of his wisdom, but despite this fact, we are going to see to it that the girl is before this table by the end of today, and that I can guarantee you. She is too vital to our plan. I am going to make sure that I am rid of Niv for good. Now see to it,” Malduk finished. Then he turned on his heel and left the group without another word. Following their leader’s example, each member of his party set about to carry out the strategy that they had just drafted up together.



Aaron M. Weis
Aaron M. Weis

Written by Aaron M. Weis

Aaron M. Weis is an online journalist, web content writer, and avid blogger who specializes in spirituality, science, and technology.

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