Homecoming Chapter 13 (Serialized Novel)
Chapter 13
Together, Niv, Kyron, and Stephanie cascaded down the large glass like staircase of the Council of the Galactic Federation, the sun shimmering off of it in magnificent multicolored rays, and the monumental golden statues casting their shadows down on them. Once they had reached its bottom, Niv led the way up front to yet another silver pathway that wrapped itself around the back of the building. As they did so, Stephanie’s curiosity peaked in wonderment of where she was being escorted to next. Overhead, a flock of the largest and most majestic birds flew by that reminded Stephanie of a cross between a flamingo and a peacock.
“You know, birds are a gift to the universe who were the creator gods of your earlier civilizations, just as the Lyran were. I am sure that you can imagine what their contribution has been in their role as co-creators throughout the multiverse. Just as I’m sure it might interest you that there are even beings known to the cosmos that look like what the people of your earth call praying mantises, that play a large role in frequency work,” Niv informed Stephanie as they followed the silver walkway that wrapped around the building like a shimmering moat. Or similarly that both Atlantis and Lemuria were very real societies in your world, that acted ass the first experimentation of creation for your planet by the beings of the higher dimensions. These ancient beings would be known to you as the Atlanteans and the Lemurians. They did this with the assistance of the Arcturian and Pleiadian at the time,” he continued in a very matter of factually sort of way. “In that instance, Atlantis typified everything about the divine masculine of heavenly father and source energy, and the Lemurian acted as the divine feminine to create for balance. Unfortunately, their technologies, and a shift in the balance ended in the destruction of those civilizations, and that is not the only time this has happened,” Niv further imparted to Stephanie, with Kyron nodding in agreement as he did so. “In essence, the higher dimensional beings are motivated by and moved by love, higher levels of consciousness, creation, and other traits of divine creator, with love and acts of higher consciousness acting as their universal currency. Divine creator is life, and this source resides in each one of us, and it is this that we value most.”
The other thing that was of notice to Stephanie was the fact that the area surrounding the building, which had been previously near empty, was now crowded like a bustling marketplace. She was intoxicated by the vast array of different sentient lifeforms that now joined them in this space. They too wore the same silky white robe as garments as those that had spoken before the council. The thing that was the most fascinating to Stephanie was in observing all of what seemed to be their intangible devices and technologies, which transcended the limitations of even her most complex imaginations. For instance, her mind boggled and reeled as she noticed a group of these extraterrestrials talking to what seemed to be floating holographic heads in front of them. To this end, it seemed as if they were having a kind of FaceTime chat, but that the individual that they were talking with appeared as a hologram there before them. Others looked through photos, memories, and thoughts, and all kinds of information through this unseen device before them. And still others went over different data, as if they were watching mini movies out in front of them through these palm devices. What these happened to be, were that of miniature versions of Grand View, that allowed them to view differing and alternate realities of the higher dimensional planes. There was no end to the things that could appear before them so long as the mind could fancy it.
It was here that the three of them came to a vast circular clearing. It was so designed that the silver walkway wrapped around this enclosure, and that a straight line went through each of the four corners so that it made a cross within the circular walkway. At the center of this enclosure was a gigantic water fountain consisting of four baby angels pointing their cupids’ arrows in each of the four directions. And at each side of this enclosure was one building or another, each of which was impressive in their own individual right. In the southmost direction was located the Council of the Galactic Federation, but it was the building that lie due north that intrigued Stephanie the most. Made of all gold, it reminded her of the temples or perhaps mosques of her earth.
“Where are you taking me now?” Stephanie asked of Niv, as she took in the grandeur of the temple in front of her. Giving the highest level of attention to detail, it occurred to Stephanie as to how trusting this group of people were that they had come to another building that had no doorways at its entrance, but rather welcomed its visitors with its great golden archways on all sides, comprised of even more massive pillars. However, the characteristic that separated this building from the other three in the enclosure was that of how it was surrounded by the most splendid garden that Stephanie had ever laid her eyes on. This area was vacated and was made up of rows of the most beautiful bushes that had with them some alien pink flower blossoming all over them all throughout these bushes. Not only that, but something glittered around them, in shimmering speckles of yellow, as if little lightning bugs were hovering around them. The little pink garden was enclosed by a fence that appeared to be made surprisingly of pearls.
“The place that I am taking you to is referred to as the Hall of Icaros. Its name is derived from a native group known as the Shipibo from the old earth of your people. These indigenous people heard the sounds of nature, which they would then repeat back in what they called the Icaros. It also refers to the way that every being, every celestial body, has its own energy field and electromagnetic signature, each of which has their own unique frequencies and resonance. The point of the hall is to assist the individual in getting back to their highest vibration. Come, it is not much further. In fact, it is the temple in front of us that has so enticed your attention, as if it calls to you. Remember, there is nothing that I can teach you. I am simply reminding you of what you already know,” Niv answered in his typical didactic way that always seemed to leave Stephanie with more than she asked for.
As they neared the golden temple, Stephanie noticed a low humming issuing from it. She noticed that the whole of the Hall of Icaros had finely embedded carvings throughout that looked curiously like wavelengths with little dots, slashes, dashes, and other insignia woven in-between these jagged peaks, spikes, and curves, and they were fashioned in a way that they were all spiraling up its length. There were only three long steps that ran the length of the temple leading the way to the entrance, which the three of them ascended with long quick strides.
Stephanie did not know what to think of the sight before her as the y came to the vast platform that led up to the entrance, and with it, her first glimpse of the temple’s inwards. Inside, it was mostly empty, save for a number of glowing beds. These beds, if one could call them that, were arranged in rows of three and columns of four beings equally spaced out from one another. They were beds, in that they were long, flat, and rectangular. At the same time, they also reminded Stephanie somewhat of tanning beds in that they had some kind of lid that closed shut like a coffin or a sarcophagus. However, they were alien and strange by virtue of how they were made up of out of the crystalline material that could be found all around this fanciful world that she had found herself thrust in. Not only that, but this crystalline bed flashed a vast array and full gamut of multicolored neon lights of pinks, blues, greens, oranges, and many others, in a way that seemed as if they were cycling through the colors.
And that was not the only strange sight that appeared before Stephanie at the temple’s threshold. For it was here that she found the source of the strange humming noise that was coming from the building. Sitting around these flashing beds seemed to be a sort of occult or spiritual practice whereby the individuals participating in it kneeled on mats that were on the floor facing the beds. These occult members if one was to ascribe a name to them had the same likeness of Elioud and even wore the same dirty brown robes that he did. They reminded Stephanie even more of Tibetan monks in this way. And part of their practice seemed to consist of bowing their heads down to the ground, and then raising them back up again while making a kind of guttural hum that sounded somewhat like the word answer. This procedure they did repetitiously. The whole thing that an eerily solemn atmosphere and vibe to it in Stephanie’s opinion.
Once they had entered into the temple, it came much to Stephanie’s surprise that Kyron took his place on the floor amongst the practitioners, and immediately set out to preform their ritualistic behaviors. It amazed her how naturally he went about joining the chorus of their chants in such an idiosyncratic way that did not miss a beat. While all this happened, Niv continued forward towards the strange beds as if nothing had happened. As he did so, Stephanie noticed that some of these beds were occupied with differing extraterrestrials lying down in them, and Stephanie let out a little chuckle to herself as she found herself wondering if they had any cool aid to drink to go with the whole process.
“What are they doing?” Stephanie asked Niv in startled amazement, referring to the group of hooded chanters.
“The individuals t hat you see around the building are our energy healers with the Keepers of Frequency that I told you of. They are chanting a prayer for the health of all those that pass through these halls. The sound that you hear has been agreed upon by them to mean something along the lines of already healed, already done. These chants and prayers are magnified by all those that have said it before, and that will come to say it a thousandfold. They work from the feeling-based place that within these halls, and all throughout this world, that they are in the presence of fully healthy individuals. Similarly, they work with energy to make sure that those that pass through here leave at their authentic and highest vibration and resonance that is part of their own unique energy signature. But keep your voice hushed. This is a sacred place to them,” Niv answered stopping before one of the illuminated crystal beds.
“And what are these?” Stephanie probed further, looking over her shoulder to Niv, then down to the interesting object that lay on the floor, then back to Niv again as she did so, lowering the tone of her voice to a whisper that only Niv could detect.
“These are our light beds. They are used for healing and other related purposes. And, I am going to have to ask you to get inside,” he answered shortly, opening up the lid to the twinkling bed with a look at her that seemed to suggest that he already knew that it was something that Stephanie wouldn’t necessarily want to do.
“Why the hell not,” Stephanie snapped back, rolling up her sleeves, starting to become savvy to the fact that so many elements of their world had something to do with light in one way or another. Everything from their names to the objects that they used seemed centered around light, and she wondered why this was as she clambered her legs around the sides of it and laid herself down inside the bed of lights, its lights flashing and revolving around her skin. Oddly enough, upon entering into the rectangular box, she experienced a cool tingling feeling pass through her body, and it felt like she was shot full of something that sent tingles down her spine, but altogether it was a pleasantly refreshing sensation. “Since I am here, and for God knows how long, could you at least tell me what exactly it is that this light bed thing does?” Stephanie inquired, the lights of the bed making her teeth glow a brighter white as if she was held under an ultraviolent light.
“As I said before, these light beds serve many healing purposes of our higher and spiritual selves. First, they act to activate the individual’s Merkabah. Merkabah refers to body, heart, and spirit of light. Just as it means chariot of God. As a matter of fact, there have been many schools of mysticism on your earth where there were those that sought to fully activate this aspect of themselves. This occurred in one of the sacred books of your people known as Ezekiel where God gave him a new heart, body, and spirit of light for obeying him. The Merkabah was what allowed Ezekiel to ascend into the heavens, or in other words, to travel through time and space, and to be in the presence of God. The Merkabah is our heart portal, and it is also the electromagnetic field or torus that surrounds every individual and planet in the universe. What we see in most of the people of your earth is that their heart portal and torus is very small. This is because it operates from a fear-based place. There are many benefits to opening and activating one’s Merkabah. It is what allows us to travel on the interdimensional level. In a Merkabah meditation, one could go to any place in any timeline, spend a considerable length of time there, and go pack to the time and place they left without any time passing by. In theory, with an activated Merkabah one could walk through a battlefield completely unscathed and unharmed. As it turns out, the vehicles that we have sent to your planet to fight the Zeta Recticuli and the Reptilian is the result of countless many beings sending a version of their very own chariot of God so that no one is harmed in the clamor of the war. These vehicles can be sent anywhere throughout the universe without one ever having to leave, and they can complete other tasks while they do whatever it is that they send them to do. And there are many other benefits that these beds have. Benefits that you will need for what lies in front of us. At the same time, they act to center and align all of the individual’s chakras. In addition to that, as the bed works with this energy field of yours, returning it to its natural state, it cleans the aura to its purist form. It also serves the purpose of full cell regeneration. It can even heal on the cellular level,” Niv learned Stephanie from outside of the light bed in a hush voice so that Stephanie had to lean her ear against its lid to hear his tangent the better.
“Oh, is that so? Is there anything else that this thing accomplishes?” Stephanie questioned in utter disbelief of the things that she was hearing from Niv.
“With everything that being kept into consideration, what I have to tell you next might come to you as a surprise, and even harder for you to believe, but I say it in truth. When the co-creators of your world experimented with creating the human race as is depicted in such creation myths as those illustrated in the tablets of Mesopotamia, they were originally crafted with twelve strands of DNA. In the seeding of the people of your planet in what was the cradle of life, it was made so that implants were place within the genetic code that suppressed the higher strands of DNA. Not only that, but conditions were placed that made such things as Merkabah activation, and coherence with one’s chakra systems and aura which are necessary for full strand DNA activation were placed for the purpose of keeping the human races DNA at this watered-down state. What you will find is that the stuff that human beings call junk DNA is so much more than that. However, this was done because the co-creators that assisted in seeding the human race feared that they would become as powerful as them and that they would seek to overpower them. Not to unlike the way how the people of your earth fear that the robots that you create might one day come to overpower the people who created them. I tell you this, because what these light beds achieve, is that of removing the implants that have been placed in the human genome while activating the higher strands of DNA in the twelve-strand sequence. In so doing, it also activates the corresponding light codes that accompany them. The activation of higher-strand DNA acts as a cataclysmic event that allows for many other abilities, which again, might be needed for the mission ahead of us. With higher-strand DNA activation comes a myriad of other spiritual gifts and capabilities. It is with this that three-dimensional terrestrial beings can achieve telepathic communication and other conducts that you have witnessed us utilize amongst each other. It is because of the fact that the individual has become more consciously aware of claircognizant, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, as well as clairalience. In many cases, psychic abilities are not unusual. Still others have experienced the ability to commune with animals and all of nature feeling a deep empathy towards mother nature. There are also those that in so doing become natural or even divine healers on many different levels. After all, the body naturally want to heal itself. In essence, it is the closest the terrestrial three-dimensional being or lifeform can come to being of light essence before doing so, and I am so curious as to see what comes of it with you,” Niv enlightened Stephanie on the many properties of the light bed in yet another one of his lengthy rifts.
“So, I’m going to be like a superhuman, or superhero is what I’m hearing you saying. Man, the medical field would have a field day with something like this where I am from. It would solve most healthcare problems, although that would be a huge problem for profit, so it would probably cost an arm and a leg to use. Probably the very rich would be the only one’s to use them. Plus, they must be extremely hard to make or come by,” Stephanie returned from inside the light bed.
“In all seriousness Stephanie. It is vital that you heed what I have to say to you next; it is perhaps the most essential teaching I could convey to you in all of this. I cannot emphasize to you enough the power of belief in all of this. Our beliefs in a way create the world around us via consciousness. This bed can only take you so far, but you have to remove any skepticisms and doubts that you may harbor as a result of your opinions, thoughts, conditioning, and personal beliefs and biases and open yourself up to this world of endless possibilities. In our time together, if there is anything that I could impart to you, it would be this message. But enough of this. That is very well long enough, and we have one more place to go to. Let us make our leave Stephanie,” Niv educated Stephanie the more, opening up the lid to her light bed. “Well, how are you feeling now?”
“Honestly, I’ve never felt better in my whole life,” Stephanie answered as she disembarked from the light bed, feeling more radiant, energized, revitalized, and rejuvenated then she could ever recall. And she did beam and have a distinctive glow that surrounded her that was not there before she had entered into the bed, and she noticed it. Holding her arms out in front of her in a plush fashion, she looked her body up and down as if inspecting to see if she tanned well. “I feel great. Like really great,” she finally let out, pleased with herself.
“Glad to hear it,” Niv responded after a light chuckle.
“Well, what are we waiting for Niv? Let us get this thing going,” Stephanie said with new pep, enthusiasm, and eagerness that Niv had not quite expected. “Lead the way good sir,” she went on, making her way to the front entrance on an assumption that that was the direction that they needed to go. With her newfound enthusiasm came a certain vigor in vitality in the saunter she made towards the rounded archway.
“I am glad to see such willingness in you Stephanie, but it is this way,” Niv told Stephanie with another amused laugh to himself, referring to the rear end of the temple with an outstretched arm that motioned towards it.
“Too right you are,” Stephanie said, backtracking from her place near the entrance while snapping both of her fingers at once and pointing them in the opposite direction. As she crossed the wide and vast room with its many beds, she realized that Kyron remained engaged in his ceremonial gestures as if in a trance. Noticing this, Stephanie paused, and looked back over to Niv, and then gestured to Kyron. “Are we just going to leave him here like this?” She inquired, this time pointing in Kyron’s direction.
“Kyron will go no further. He is in his natural place, and exactly where he needs to be in all of this. Leave him Stephanie,” Niv answered, waving Stephanie towards him and the temples exit.
“Where to now sensei?” Stephanie asked playfully, skipping down the temple’s steps, enjoying the rush of energy that she was experiencing as a result of the effect that the light bed had had on her. For the first time in as long as her memory would care to serve her, she felt a kind of playfulness that she had not felt since she was very little. “Oh wait, don’t tell me. I’m supposed to be psychic, telepathic, or superhuman now, or something like that. Let me see. Yes, it’s coming to me like a math problem. You have something to show me in the beautiful garden out back,” Stephanie joked, spinning around full circle with her arms stretched out once they had descended the final step of the temple.
“I see that your heart chakra is vibrantly balanced and balanced. It is nice to see you taking things so lightly for a change,” Niv said through a smile, after dodging a swinging arm. That being said, we will still need to proceed with the highest level of thoughtfulness and consideration. But you are correct in you approximation. I am taking you to the Garden of Wisdom, where I have something for you that I have a feeling you will rather take a fancy to,” he continued as they followed another silver pathway up to the pearl fence that had so enchanted Stephanie earlier. Together, the two of them made their way up to a pearly rodded gate, and it opened without their having to move it in the slightest. “Right through here Stephanie,” he continued motioning her through the gateway. As they did so, it seemed to Stephanie that whatever the glittering yellow substance was, that it was nearing them as they made their way through the bushes and their bright pink flowers. “All that you see before you were a gift given to Gaia from Elioud and the Epsilon Eridani. What you will come to find is that they are a race devoted to beauty, peace, and wisdom. Light is information. All the light of the multiverse contains the knowledge and wisdom to ever have existed from the beginning of time. These records are contained in the Akashic Records, and in the Light Library, which is easily assessable to higher dimensional beings in their light body state. However, for terrestrial beings that have not achieved this level of conscious evolution. Each of the flowers provided by the Epsilon Eridani contains a topic or field of study that can be assimilated by the observer through close immediate tangible contact. The purpose of our journey through this garden is to further bolster what you have gained from the light bed. I am going to have you assimilate the information pertaining to the Merkabah, and other spiritual gifts and attributes so that it is readily available in the forefront of your mind,” Niv divulged to the attentive Stephanie who was looking around the many flowers in wild wide-eyed admiration.
“Now I’m going to be learning from flowers, I can’t believe it. This is unreal. Lead the beaten path oh wise teacher. To which flower of light are we going to make our stop at?” Stephanie said jokingly, walking out in front of Niv and giving him a little have courtesy as she did so. She still was feeling the effects of the light bed, and they made it as if she was experiencing a kind of high, especially in terms of the sensations of tingling and elated euphoria.
“We are here,” answered Niv coming to an abrupt stop at one of the many bushes, his tone of voice shifting to one that was stern, all of which surprised Stephanie. “Kneel down before the bush,” he implored gesturing to the plant before him with a nudge of his right arm.
“You have got to be kidding me. You can’t be serious. I can not believe the things you are having me do,” Stephanie retorted as she got on her knees as if she were praying to the plant, like a kind of pagan worshiping all of nature,” and she found herself feeling bad for the tension that she had noticed developing between her and Niv, and she also half-wondered to herself if this people were a group of pagans themselves.
Before she could complain or say anything further, she noticed in bewilderment how the yellow spectacles, or whatever they were, from all the surrounding bushes floated up besides her, and made their way to the top of her head. As this happened, a man that was made of what looked like golden light of the similitude of Niv and Kyron, appeared before her, yielding a tremendous sword, and looking the part of an angel. This man of light pointed at Stephanie with his free hand, and all of a sudden, two rotating tetrahedrons emerged all around him that the did engulf him. And the topmost one rotated counterclockwise, while the bottommost one was upside down and rotated clockwise. And together the two of the made the resemblance of David’s star.
While all of this as happening, in Stephanie’s mind eye, she saw a golden thread going down from her third-eye, or pineal gland of her forehead, all the way down to her naval cavity. This golden thread running the length of her body, she then saw the same two tetrahedrons rotating around her being golden in their color. What came next were a kind of vision, where a plethora of what seemed like pictures flooded through her minds eye. Everything from chakra centers, the obstacles and whatever one could want to know about them, to the sacred geometry that could be found inherently in nature. After that, the yellow spectacles took their place once more amongst the many bushes, and with the golden angel of a man departing, Stephanie was left in speechless shock.
“I am afraid that this is as much as I can teach you for now. You are always as prepared as you need to be. Some of what may come next will surprise, but it is best for the highest timeline of your world, I ensure you. Come, our real mission begins,” Niv told her, and in another blinding flash they departed from Gaia through Niv’s interdimensional portal.