Good Bye Twitter: A Glance At Our Orwellian Social Media Giant
Disclaimer: This claim about unpopular opinions has been refuted. How many ways has this message ebbed its way into our various different social media sites? And, are we really given this topic the true measure of consideration that it deserves? Click here to see what our certified fact checkers have to say about COVID, about the 2020 election, and any real conversation starter that should naturally peak our interests. Recently, we have seen a surge in individuals that are voluntarily having to go other social media outlets such as Parler to bypass the heavy censorship that has been noted on the more mainstream platforms such as Twitter, for its appeal for being a free speech platform that will not suppress what it’s users are discussing. A trend that interestingly enough caught the attention of none other than tech giant Bill gates, whose ethos and character was seemingly leveraged to express that these websites consisted of, crazy stuff, that was obviously misinformation, and that he supposed that you could refer to it as a source only if you were interested in crazy stuff. Not that Gates has anything to lose by discrediting a platform whose material does include various different opinions about himself, and because we need his brilliance to inform us that we should use the more reliable media sources whose community guidelines valiantly serve to make sure that we get the accurate information.
Does that not evoke any level of frustration, just contemplating the implications? Here, in the age of information, and by extension, an age of misinformation, we are going to make the generalized assumption, and subtly imply, that we basically have taken it upon ourselves to infer that the general populace is far to unintelligible and uneducated to conduct any level of research, or to create for and reach their own conclusions via correspondence, inquiry, and the likes on their own accord. No, they are far too primitive for that, believing everything they hear as factual, so they obviously need someone to do it for them, as if it seems to say. But not only that, in what universe is there only one supreme truth that everyone has to reiterate to itself? A supreme truth that is so universal, that we constantly have to reiterate it to ourselves, as if we were trying to convince ourselves? And if it is so universally accepted, then why do we need tech conglomerates, social media community guidelines, and other influential figures to ensure that we are all on the same page, and that this is the narrative is the one we constantly tell ourselves? When something is a universal truth, that’s never really been needed. We’ve never needed some authoritative figure going, see this truly proves that the Copernican model of the universe is more accurate, or that Newton was right about his laws of motion, or Einstein with his general and specific relativity, ever lurking around like someone was going to attempt and go against it, although certainly they could. Most advancements and progressions in Physics, or Economics, occurred only because those individuals studied and questioned the previous notions with the utmost level of scrutiny, and they didn’t have someone hunkering over their backs telling them that there was only one way about it. When has it ever been the case, that something is so undeniably true, that we need any sort of presence offering friendly reminders that nothing other could be the case? Right now, the sky is blue, so to make sure that you know this truth, we are going to have Stephen Hawking, John Nash, Newton, Galileo, or insert another brilliant mind here, talk about, and make sure that we’re all on the same page about it.
How interesting our times have become, to the extent that eerily similar to George Orwell’s, 1984. People are literally watching, in a suspended state of disbelief, feeling as if they are in the Twilight Zone, or some science-fiction movie of an alternative reality. Who would have ever thought in this day and age, that not only would the President of the free world be suspended from all social media accounts, but that in the land of countless freedoms, that it would ostensibly seem that our very freedom of speech is being impeded upon, with the very presence of said censorship. What you think and say is okay as long as it adheres to a specific narrative, and meets our community guidelines. For the most part, social media is where a good majority of the general populace receives their information from, and we are going to tell them what they can and can not talk about? It really gives you a scope of the power of speech, of free speech, and how far individuals are willing to go to control it, especially if controlling it serves to ensure that they stay in power, and that they can ultimately control and manipulate the way we think, our opinions, how we interact with each other, the stuff we talk about. And that’s what we end up focusing on. Right now, there is a deadly virus that grips the whole world, that causes thousands of deaths a minute, and what we are focusing on is that the POTUS has been removed from his social media platform, as an inherent threat to the nation. And not only that, but that as the mainstream media would tell you that, people that support his campaign, his agenda, pretty much anyone with a Republican way of thinking, coining the word ReTrumplican, should also be banned, censored, or suspended.
How can we overlook the implications of such a message? There isn’t just the fact that in a dark time with the presence of COVID-19 that it is one that makes the United States as a nation look more divided, separated, and torn as a whole. Our advertisements talk about Unity and healing in one sentence, then condemn, and further add to said injury in the next. This is a global message that makes the United States look weak, and so very vulnerable as a people. We have to put the leader of the whole nation into timeout, and remove his social media account? Russia and other nations won’t even acknowledge Biden as President because of the inner turmoil, and this great divide that we find ourselves part of. A divide that is only increasing exponentially with the recent storm on our capitol in one of the greatest disgraces in the country’s history. The last several months have been one of the darkest, and most disgraceful epochs of this countries history. Forget the expression our founding fathers would be rolling in their graves. At this point, they would have left their graves entirely and sought out peace somewhere else entirely, giving up on this lot. What we are seeing completely goes against everything they fought for. Not only that, but as we cling to our respective political sides of patriotic shades of liberal blue and conservative reds, we are failing to grasp the other tremendous implication of what is taking place before us in the very evocation of an expression like ReTrumplican. The irony found in that the more that we recede into these boxes of further separation, with each party pointing to the other and saying they have it all wrong, they are the one’s that we should point the finger at; we are ultimately loosing sight of the fact that what we’re seeing is the emergence of a one party system that makes up what is right and wrong, and that tells us what the correct way of things should be is; one that goes against the entire notion of our system of checks and balances. And isn’t it obvious? If you turn on any news channel right now, it is Trump and Republicans are bad, and it is a one-sided narrative that we must conform to. The censorship across every level, social media, or otherwise, speaks almost directly to their agenda, although this is certainly a first in terms of censorship that ensures that only one side of a dialog is given. How can we even begin to talk about unity and healing, when we confidentially take our stand, pointing and fighting with our neighbor over whose right, in this landscape of censorship, dividing ourselves from within?
Man in America — Election 2020 The Plot to Steal America — YouTube
And really think about it. If a group of people, of highly influential and powerful individuals, go beyond themselves to ensure that a given narrative is whitewashed, censored, and erased from ever being, what does it say about the story they are trying to eradicate? It should be our main concern. Hitler sought out to capture the art and history of his people, to destroy it or keep it for himself, because he believed, as he stated, that if you destroy a people’s art, their culture, it is to destroy them, their achievements, and the people entirely. It is a tactic as old as Ghanghis Khan, who destroyed everything of the people that he conquered. He would leave only one monument behind as a symbol to his enemies of this is what is going to happen to you. It was his signature of his people so to speak.
It’s even more bewildering when you look at the people who are being banned, restricted, and censored. We’re all aware of Trump and his supporters, but what of individuals such as that of JP Spears, who has become a sort of household favorite with his Ultra Spirituality YouTube videos. Here is a case of an individual who has some 1.6 million followers, and who is well known; an individual who makes wholesome and humorous videos about health, spirituality, and things of that nature. And in his recent videos he has expressed having to move to platforms such as Parler and the other alternatives, because he is being censored because the content and jokes in said videos do not speak to this particular narrative. It violates the vague and ambiguous community guidelines that have been erected because we are too unintelligible and uneducated to know the truth on our own accord. We have to have information spelled out to us.
It is a dark time indeed, if individuals ideas, thoughts, and free speech is being suppressed and censored, and we aren’t even beginning to have that conversation, perhaps out of fear of being suppressed and censored, or losing our entire social media outlet completely, which is our source to what is going on in the world, and for some, such as in the case of JP Sears, the source of our income. And let us analyze the all holy and accurate information. Right now, it is a trending topic on these social media outlets that Trump and his supporters are being removed. Let us completely turn the other cheek in terms of what was just said about viewing one party or side as inherently bad, and slowly turning to a one party viewpoint, but let us also divulge deeper into that narrative. As part of it, what is trending is of the likes of GOODBYE TWITTER. In this discussion forum, the thought being pushed, that is supposed to be the accurate one of integrity that which dictates to us what is and is not misinformation, that in a fit of rage in not being able to deal with or cope with Trump having to step down, and the reality of things, that people have up and all of a sudden completely jumped ship, leaving the platform due to their difference in opinions for not being able to see in shades of blue, for remaining ReTrumplican, which is what Liberals had to do when Trump became President, as is found in the context of Dave Chappelle’s comment during Saturday Night Live, that, ‘Now, they know how we felt four years ago.” This is, however, in stark juxtaposition with the fact that this trending topic, coincidentally occurred in junction with hundreds if not thousands of accounts across the platform being suspended and deactivated on account for violation of terms; a seemingly targeted group of individuals who shared common thoughts, ideas, and expressions amongst themselves. Again, we see an instance of, why is a social media outlet, boldly announcing a certain story, saying all these people are leaving the platform in a fit of rage, when on the same day that a massive sweep of individuals was carried out, and what does that suggest?
This is horrifying when you stop and really think about it. What we are seeing is the stuff of Communist China. It is one thing entirely when you talk about, and even joke, of how they went about creating an economy that was based on this social level. That they created for a system that rewarded and punished whether or not what you were saying or doing and if those interactions conformed with what their government was promoting. Albeit, they went as far as to facially map all of its citizens to keep track of them, to control them, and to promote this level of 1984 George Orwellian good Ol’ Fashion Communism. But when you really inspect this environment, and what is going on in it, how far away do you think we are, if we already can honestly express how we think, what we feel, and utilize what we have to say through freedom of speech without being censored or wiped into oblivion? How far away are we from it?